"Until that day, that day you stood outside of our door. I knew you were my mate the second I got a whif of your scent, but everything changed when Nolan told me you were his mate. I knew I couldn't. He deserved you, I didn't. It wasn't right for me to even share you, no way. I wasn't worthy of any of your time, only Nolan was. If only you knew how much he has wanted a mate and how happy he was to finally find you, so I couldn't rob him of that, not even a little. I kept my distance even though I knew what it would do to my wolf. I was so stubborn and sure, but that day I almost lost him-" He shakily let out out a breath of air.

"I was so angry at myself and the world that I snapped in heartbreak and sorrow. But, Nolan never gave up on me. He kept on pushing me to come see you even though I didn't exactly know what I wanted to do. A part of me wanted to have my mate and wanted to help my wolf, I wanted happiness, but the part of me with all the self loathing wanted nothing of it, but to continue drowning in sorrow. Well, that is until Nolan burst into my room this morning and decided that words weren't working and took a more physical approach," He genuinely chuckled. A soft gasp left my lips as I interpreted his words. "It hurt, but it gave me what I needed."

The slight change in atmosphere had me nervously looking up and right there, under the bag in his left eye was a red fist print. His cheek was only a slight bit swollen, but it was there as bright as day. The man looked as pale as a ghost and had bags under his eyes that were swollen from exhaustion. A plain black goodie adorned his chest, but even so, he looked as handsome as I remembered. For a man who had been punched earlier today, he looked fairly brighter than when he was on his death bed even as he looked like he could fall down on his knees at any moment.

He suddenly got up from his chair and came over to me. My breathing pattern instantly changed as I nervously licked my lips and looked at him as he fell on his knees before me with a smile that was too gorgeous to be that of a human.

"Melissa, I know I don't deserve you and I know that I shouldn't be asking you of this and so I won't. If you feel like rejecting me, I will accept it because I deserve it after all I've put you through. If you don't, I will be more than honoured and I promise that I will spend every single second, every minute, every hour, every day, every month, and every year trying to make it up to you. I will not rush you to make any decision, but I will be here even if you reject me if you let me. If you don't want me anywhere near you, I will still take care of you and protect you from a distance. I just want to thank you for listening to me today because you really didn't have to,"

He lightly chuckled as a barely existent spark shone from his green orbs," I have never felt as happy as I do now and I know it's because of you and I thank you for that. I really do from the deepest parts of my heart. If you ever choose to accept me, I only have one request, please accept Grace too? She is my everything and I k-"

"Shhh," I whispered as I hesitantly raised my hand. With one large breath, I raised my pointer finger to the red print and traced it over his cheek, on the red print. Goosebumps instantly lined my skin as sparks shot up my arm from the contact. "Zane, first of all, you do deserve me. You might have been crappy about it all after you found out, but there's really nothing to forgive. I know it's abnormal for a girl to have two partners, but I don't want to have Nolan but not have you. You're both equally important to me so just so you know, I accept you too and of course I accept Grace," I gently sighed," I care about that little cutie so much that I could not not accept her. I'm not saying I won't accept you reminding me every year that you still want me because I will do the same thing every year. I'll show you that I want you, both you and Nolan because I care about you two. "

Tears slowly filled those green orbs I loved so much and slid down his cheeks before he looked down at the floor and squeezed his hands at his fists.

"Thank you," He whispered," I promise to make it up to you, somehow. I will make myself worthy of you, just you see. I promise you that, Mate."

He looked up at me as his green eyes kept on filling with gold sparks that kept on disappearing. From what Nolan has told me, the gold is the presence of their wolves wanting to come forth, but every person is different. Others don't have sparks in their eyes, their whole eye colour changes, while others' pupils dilate.

"Please get up, Zane?" I softly asked. He nodded with his hand hung low, but he abided to my request and stood up in front of me.

I also got up and did what felt right to me.

My arms wrapped around his torso with my head on his chest as I gave him an embrace. Everything starts somewhere, right? I may not be ready for a kiss, but I am always willing and ready to share an embrace.

"Do you think a hug is a good way to start?" I whispered. "I do."

"I do too." He agreed as he wrapped his own arms around my waist and gently pressed his cheek against my forehead.

After what felt like a minute, I forced myself to leave the comfort of his arms and it seemed like I wasn't the only one who wasn't ready because a quiet whine left his lips.

I lightly giggled as I looked up at the once again slightly tan man. The red print was no longer visible on his cheek, but he was still a bit pale, just not deathly as before.

I grabbed my cupcake from the plate and did it make my mouth drool. It looked so appetising and rich with flavour that I absentmindedly locked my lips at the sight of the sweet treat.

Unfortunately it wasn't mine for today.

I immediately shoved it in Zane's face.

"Eat." I ordered.

His face immediately paled in shock and fear as he stared at me with green saucers.

"Yes, Ma'am." He softly responded and damn did it sound attractive. Damn Wolf tainting my thoughts with his otherworldly beauty.

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