1. Bodrum - Orak island

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                              TWO YEARS AFTER LEAVING FOR THEIR HONEYMOON...

 One summer evening, in the middle of the sea, lulled by its waves, Can and Sanem cuddled together at the foot of the mast of the main sail of their boat, "THE PHOENIX AND THE ALBATROSS", or as Can called it, Can and Sanem's boat.

Can gently stroked the arms of his wife snuggled on his chest.

"Are you asleep?" he asked her.

"No... I'm actually listening to the rhythm of your heart. It relaxes me." replied Sanem with closed eyes and a smile on her lips as she snuggled even tighter against her husband's chest.

"Hmm, and what does it say?" asked Can stroking her hair.

"It's beating loudly... like always."

"You know I like to make noise in everything I do, right? And that goes for my heart too... especially when you're around, Sanem Divit!" she admitted.

Sanem sank her head into her husband's chest blushing violently. She started fanning herself with her hand.

Can seeing her said smiling, "Are you hot?"

"No, it's just that when you call me Sanem Divit.... I don't know what happens to me, I still can't get used to it. It's like a dream! It's beautiful and everything inside me shakes with emotion every time you say those words." Can hugged his wife even tighter.

"And what if I call you my heart's wife?" he asked her then.

"Ah, Can... you want to make me melt?" she said still red in the face hiding her head even more in Can's arms.

"Now I'm on fire!" she exclaimed.

"But I'll eat you up with kisses!" Said Can brightening up with his usual beaming smile. Since they had been married, she had never seen Can so happy and smiling, and it was now common knowledge that his happiness, was by reflection, her happiness.

"Look how shy you've become! What a little face! You're too sweet!" Can lifted Sanem's chin towards him, they looked into each other's eyes, in that sweet and utterly unique way they had, for a time that seemed endless. Each time it happened, it was as if time stopped. The sparkle in their eyes spoke for them.

They did not need words because everything they felt was there: in their gazes completely devoted to each other.

The world around them disappeared, time and space zeroed in.

Can could not resist the closeness of that beauty and kissed her. They were together. They were alone... and they were on their boat. There was the sea, there were the stars and there was the burning fire of their love. Sanem recognised Can's gaze and expressed in words what he was expressing with his eyes. "Me, you and nature."

Can smiled, nodding. "Forever." she whispered to him.

Then he changed the subject.

"Are you tired?" he asked her.

"If you're referring to our 'little' hike today, a little, but I admit it was fun." Sanem smiled thinking back to that morning.


After reaching the Galapagos to fulfil Sanem's dream, they promised themselves they would let the sea guide them to their next destinations. They did not want to plan too much, so they let themselves be carried away by the sensations and instincts that the sea generated in them. It was only after they were back near their homeland that Can thought of a little piece of paradise only nine miles away from Bodrum. It was a small, protected, uninhabited and completely natural island. That place was not only beautiful, but also very important to her husband, as Sanem later discovered.

"Wow! Can where are we?" she asked him as soon as he saw that they were approaching the rocky coast of an island with absolutely crystal-clear waters.

"Do you like it? It's a surprise!" said Can stopping the boat inside a completely natural bay just a few metres from the island's coastline.

"I like it... It's beautiful here!" said Sanem ecstatically looking around.

"This is the island of Orak." replied Can, "We are close to the shores of Bodrum."

"In Bodrum? Our Bodrum? In Turkey?" exclaimed Sanem with a stunned face.

"Yes. We are approaching Istanbul, and ... home." he added.

"Wow! I didn't think we had such a place nearby..." commented Sanem with the bright eyes of a curious child. Then she turned sharply towards him, "And why are we here?"

"We are here, my love, because I wanted you to see this place. It is very important to me. It has a special meaning. And perhaps now that our journey is coming to an end, "unfortunately," Can emphasised, "you can understand it too."

"Now I am very curious, Can!"

"Ah, but first we reach the coast, I want to take you somewhere. Then I'll tell you about it."

"Alright. Shall I throw the wings?" she asked elatedly.

"Throw!" ordered Captain Can before docking.

"I'm an expert sailor by now, CapCan! Nobody throws wings like me!"

"I noticed! I noticed!" said Can.

"Throwing wings is my way of life now!" commented Sanem.

So, once they had their bags and backpacks, they left the boat and took the dinghy to the beach.

Sanem didn't know it, but she was in for quite a hike.

"Hop!" said Can taking her in his arms to help her off the dinghy in which they had reached the shore. As soon as her feet touched the sand he ordered her, "Now put these on."

Can pulled out the hiking shoes he had bought her along with a starter pack for a true adventurer. The kit included: protection of all kinds (helmets, knee pads, wrist pads, shin guards, elbow pads, gloves, first aid kit, water bottle, snacks, compass, torch, a tent, and more.) Basically that duffel bag was a summary of all the adventures (or troubles) they had together.

"No, Can! Not the hiking shoes! Oof!" snorted Sanem.

Can had fooled her again. She knew well that when he pulled out those shoes it meant turning into a baby goat ready to jump from rock to rock.

"It's for your own good, Sanem. You cannot walk on this rocky island in sandals. You will hurt yourself." he said.

"Can, I am still recovering from the last hike we did. Look at my legs! I still bear the marks." she complained, pointing to the healing scrapes and bruises on her legs.

"Don't get smart with me, Sanem. You got those bruises on the boat, three days ago, in the open sea! You stubbornly wanted to cook in the exact moment we were passing under a summer storm. It's with the swaying of the boat that you banged in here and there, you don't fool me!" he unmasked her.

"Ugh! Please Can I will be destroyed." she huffed again.

"You won't be. I promise you. You're making it longer than it is. We only have to walk a short distance. You won't get tired, I promise. And believe me, it will be worth it. Do you or do you not want to know the rest of the story?" he tried to convince her.

"Yes, of course I do," she replied.

"Then focus on that and we'll be there in no time."

"Okay... alright." said Sanem unconvinced taking the hand Can held out to her. "But look... If you mess with me again, I'll make you pay, Can Divit!" she said pointing her finger at him.

Can laughed. "Alright, come on let's go!"

They walked towards the bush following a small path. They had caught the perfect weather conditions. It was a sunny day, the sky was clear and its deep blue contrasted with the green of the island. Not a cloud on the horizon. The summer sun loomed above them, making them feel its warmth on their skin. The further they went into the path through the thick vegetation, the steeper the road became.

"Are you alright?" Can asked, seeing Sanem behind him.

"Fine, fine. Can't you see?" said her with bated breath. "Is it much further?"

"Not long now. Come." Can turned back, and to support her, took her by the hand.

"You're not going to tell me you're tired, are you?" Can slyly asked her. He was having too much fun teasing her.

"Nooooo! Can't you tell?" she retorted sarcastically. "Ten minutes of walking. You won't feel a thing! You won't get tired, I promise, said the rock man." she blurted out, imitating Can's tone of voice.

As he strained, breathlessly he added: "But I understood you, Can Divit. I have understood you! Nothing escapes me! You want me dead! But... don't worry, I know how to repay you. This is exploitation, you will see, what I will do!" she challenged him.

Can laughed.

"Laugh, laugh! Yes, yes! Laugh, Can Divit. You will see that I will attack you when you least expect it!" she added.

"Come on love! You're going a bit overboard! It's just a climb. Look, we're almost there!" he said.

"It's just a climb, sure...right! Look at you! When we started walking you had less beard, how is that possible? How many years have passed, huh?" he exclaimed.

"Ha ha ha! I may have grown a beard in these ten minutes, but you have grown a nose!" exclaimed Can.

"Are you perhaps saying that I'm a liar..." Sanem interrupted himself.

"Here they come!" exclaimed Can.

Luckily for her, they had finally emerged from the bush, leaving the path behind them, and arrived at the top of a cliff overlooking the sea, in the middle of which stood a small blue lighthouse. The view was absolutely incredible. It was breathtaking.

"Ohhh!" said Sanem completely entranced. "Can! But it's beautiful here."

"Do you like it?" he asked her.

Sanem nodded her head yes as her mouth drew an O.

They carefully approached the tip of the overhang.