"Oh my gosh! Hi Kendall, over here!" Patricia ignored my sarcasm-laced statement and, instead, waved over the newest set of arrivals. One of them surprisingly being Kendall.

"He's so handsome, isn't he? I could just jump his damn bones." Patricia involuntarily welcomed us into her unfiltered thoughts, as she quickly sauntered over to the mirror and began to retouch her makeup.

Soon after, I was able to make out three tall men headed in our direction. They complemented each other well, drawing the attention of most restaurant dwellers as they confidently strolled through the open walkway. My eyes couldn't help but fixate on one of them in particular. 

Kendall. I should have pieced together that he'd been the man from the gala that Patricia had invited to dinner. It was only a few nights ago that I remembered how her skeleton hands had been unabashedly roaming his body with little shame whatsoever.

The first of the men to reach us was a brown, middle-eastern man with fully-thickened eyebrows, green eyes, and a freshly-tailored suit. The second man was a ginger who had freckles sprawled across every inch of his face and on all the visible parts of his body. His hair was sleeked back, revealing eyes that were the most captivating shade of green. He wore jeans and a simple dress shirt. 

Appearing last was the mysterious man that had peaked my interest. 

He wore form-fitting slacks that stopped right above his ankle cuffs. His lanky arms were covered by a long-sleeve cashmere sweater, but I could still make out the generous muscle tone peaking through the fine material. A gold, polished Rolex rested on his left wrist, while an embroidered bracelet adorned his right. His black eyes honed in on our location, as he mindlessly ran a hand through his dark-coated hair, disfiguring it in an effortlessly attractive kind of way.

"Hey Kendall." Patricia purred once again, when he reached the table.

"Nice to meet you. My name is Ahmad." The green-eyed friend spoke first.

"Hi, I'm Sean." The second friend.

"Kendall." The last one spoke, before embracing Patricia in a short hug. Finally, he turned his attention towards Coco and I.

"Sasha, if I'm not mistaken?" Kendall questioned in that deep and raspy voice that I was beginning to take a liking to. 

"Yes, that's correct. Nice to see you again." I returned the simple gesture, as he tipped his head in greeting.

"I'm Coco, nice to meet you boys!" Coco hollered, immediately earning the attention of Ahmad who began to converse with her. 

Taking note of the subtle rings of flirty banter being exchanged between my best friend and Ahmad, I chose to subtly remove myself from their conversation. The last thing I wanted was to intrude on whatever plan Coco was surely conjuring in her head to get the innocent man pitifully wrapped around her fingers. 

Instead, my eyes shifted on their own accord to the mirror. Perched only a few feet back from my reflection, I could spot the alluring man who stood beside Coco as she talked endlessly at him. 

I watched the way his obsidian eyes ventured from hers to meet mine in the mirror. He slowly trailed his fierce eyes across my face then down my figure, performing a thorough inspection of my attire. His gaze lingered on my breasts for a little too long, causing me to cautiously move my eyes to where his orbs remained glued to my chest. 

Due to the room's peculiar lighting, the material of my dress had been made transparent. In other words, my brown nipples were on full display. Matters were made worse by a particular article of clothing I had chosen not to wear. My heart began to race at the sheer thought of being so exposed to him.

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