Chapter 24

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Li Hehua was still as quick and precise as she always did when cooking. The fragrance, of course, was also rushing to the noses of the people so fast, making them drool.

Although the Gu family had already believed their neighbor's words and trusted Li Hehua's craftsmanship, they haven't seen  or eaten it themselve. They have no idea what it really likes. Seeing Li Hehua's cooking skills on their own eyes at this time made everyone completely convinced. Even the people who assisted her in cooking admired her and couldn't help but sighed, thinking that they had found the right person.

The Gu family's eldest daughter-in-law, and second daughter-in-law and youngest daughter, watched Li Hehua's every action in the kitchen. Seeing her handling and frying with two pots at the same time, their mouths were wide open in amazement.

The eldest daughter-in-law was talkative and immediately expressed her admiration, "Let me say this Chef Li, you are just too skillful. Both of your hands are so flexible and not sloppy. Neither side was delayed and you are cooking so fast. I have never met someone who has this kind of ability."

Li Hehua smiled softly. While concentrating on her hand movements, she recall the eldest daughter-in-law's words, "My hands are flexible because I usually cook with both at the same time so that the dishes can be served quickly. With that, the quests doesn't have to wait for the dishes and it won't be cold."

The three women nodded in agreement, "You are really fast. It is indeed right for our family toinvite you. Don't mention the speed, the fragrance of the dishes can make make people greedy to death."

The youngest daughter of the Gu family looks like she's only eleven or twelve years old. Children are inevitably greedy and it is even rarer for farm children to eat good things. Now that she smell such delicious food, her mouth is already flooded (with saliva) as she helps in the kitchen. She was absentminded as she stared at Li Hehua with gloeing eyes. Even if Li Hehua wanted to ignore it, her stares are so warm that she can't ignore it. Seeing her like that, she was quite amused.

Li Hehua has always liked children and is especially good to them. She can't bear to see the little girl like this, so she deliberately kept a little bit of chicken when preparing the dish. She put it in a small bowl and put it on the stove. She said ro the women, "I've made too much chicken and there are still a few pieces left so you can eat it."

The three women are surprised. Looking at the chicken in the bowl, they are quite hesistant. They indeed want to eat very much but there had never been a woman who eat first in the kitchen. Usually, the eat will eat first and those who cook will eat last. They used to do this when they are helping in the kitchen. If their mother-in-law learned that they in the kitchen, they will be scolded to death.

Seeing them hesitating, Li Hehua persuaded, "It's alright, just eat a piece and try. It's not like the plate can't be put down. Others won't know once you have eaten."

Hearing that, they no longer hesitate. Each person reached out, took a piece, and ate it quickly.

The youngest daughter swallowed the chicken in her mouth and licked her lips. She was still not satisfied but it was already good for being able to taste it first. Her eyes squinted with satisfaction and said to Li Hehua, "Chef, your dishes are delicious. If only I could cook such delicious dishes."

Li Hehua smiled, "If you are interested, just study hard. As long as you pay attention, you will be able to cook delicious dishes. Learn more when you have the chance."

The little girl nodded and watched Li Hehua seriously, looking like a good student.

Fourteen dishes were quickly prepared and  people at the front were eating so lively. Aunt Gu walked in happily, took Li Hehua's hand and thanked her, "Chef Li, this is the table that you made*." Raising her thumbs up, she continued, "The guest praised that the foods are delicious. I really have to thank you."

Transmigration: The Peasant Gourmet Chef (穿越之农妇食娘)Where stories live. Discover now