Chapter 5 - Stay (3)

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In the evening, Zhang Lin still didn't make Li Hehua's share in dinner, but she didn't care. She made brown rice porridge and drank it as if she was losing weight. If she eats like this everyday, coupled with the current exercise, she will definitely lose a lot in a moth. If she eat rice and noodles, her weight won't lessen.

After the meal, Li Hehua hid directly in the woodshed. After everyone else had washed up, she returned to the kitchen to boil hot water to wash up, and then dragged her sore body on the bed she made.

Although she was very tired, she couldn't fall asleep. Li Hehua stared at the pitch-black space and began to think about how to make money.

What does she have to do to make money as quickly as possible?

In her previous life, she majored in foreign languages ​​at university, but she couldn't use it here at all. The only thing she could use was her cooking skills.

Her family is a genuine family of chefs, and all its companies are related to food and catering. It can be said that it almost monopolizes half of the domestic food industry. Her grandfather is a world-class gourmet master. He is difficult to invite to cook even with a thousand dollars. Her father is also a top chef, specializing in all kinds of delicious food, while her mother takes care of the family's industry.

In their generation, her elder brother is very talented in management. He took over the company affairs at the age of 18 and built the Li Shi group to a higher level. However, because of this, her elder brother spent less time on cooking. Her grandpa simply devoted all his efforts in cultivating and teaching her, hoping that the recipes of the Li family can be passed on.

Grandpa once said that she is a genius with extremely high culinary talent. It has been rare for such a talent to emerge for many years, so he spared no effort to cultivate her. As a result, she didn't know what to do. She felt bound and wanted to be free, she rebelliously refused to listen to her grandfather. She went to the university town and rented a store to make gourmet snacks. Her grandpa was so angry that he ignored her for half a year, but he loved her the most, and finally supported her.

Thinking about it now, she was so happy at that time. Happy to be loved by her family, to be taught by her grandfather, and to have a top-notch cooking skill, so she was not afraid no matter where she was.

Maybe, here, she can still live the life she wants with her cooking skills.

However, if she want to make money from her cooking skills, she have to plan carefully. After all, she doesn't know anything about this place, and she doesn't know what to do to be successful. She still needs to learn about it.

It seemed that she had to go situation and see the situation in the market.

The next day, Li Hehua got up early and went out directly after washing up.

She didn't know where the market was, but there must be people from the village going to the market at this point. She just need to follow the others to find the market. Sure enough, there were a few women walking out of the village with various things in their hands while talking. At first glance, it can be seen that they are going to town. Li Hehua hurriedly followed behind.

The village is not far from the town, and it takes about an hour to walk there. There are all kinds of sellers on the street and the shouts are endless. It is very lively.

Li Hehua walked along the street and looked at the stalls selling foods. After a around, she found that the kind of foods sold in town are not much. The street stalls are mostly selling noodles, steamed buns, and pancakes. There are few other food stalls.

Li Hehua watched for a while and found that the business of the stall on the street was still good. Many people would buy something to eat. It seems that the overall living standard of the people in this country is still good. At least the local economy where she lives is still good.

These are very beneficial to her. If the people have money, it means that the business can be done. The variety of food is less, which is more conducive to her selling food. As long as she can sell them, with her craftsmanship, she didn't have to worry about not having customers.

However, doing business requires capital. Pots and pans, tables, chairs and benches need money, and she only found more than 30 copper coins on the original owner. That is to say, she only has a net worth of more than 30 copper coins. Although she didn't know the prices in this era, she now that 30 or so are far from enough to open a food stall.

As for borrowing money, that is impossible. With the popularity of the original owner, it is a miracle if someone lend her some money, so there is no need to think about borrowing. She still has to find a way to earn money to open a food stall.

But how can she make money without capital?

Transmigration: The Peasant Gourmet Chef (穿越之农妇食娘)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant