Chapter 32

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The next day, Li Hehua and Cao Simei went to sell pastries and brought the little guy with them.

The little guy was quiet and just squatted by the basket, watching Li Hehua sell the pastries. Many acquaintance even praised, "Your child is so good."

Li Hehua felt helpless. If she could, she would wish for him to be a little misbehaved or even a bit naughty.

Since the food stall will be opened tomorrow, Li Hehua explained to the customers the changes and that the pastries will be sold there one by one. Of course, she mentioned the opening of her stall tomorrow.

Many old customers said they would definitely go there to support her.

After selling for almost half an hour, Master Gu, whom she hadn't seen for many days, came unexpectedly.

Ever since he brought the old woman from before, it was always her that will come to buy pastries for the child at home. It was unexpected that he will come by himself today. Li Hehua guessed that it was school holiday today and Master had time to buy his things and the pastries himself.

Li Hehua greeted him, "Master Gu, you are here to buy pastries in person?"

Gu Zhijin smiled and nodded, "Exactly, the school is on vacation today, so I'm free."

Li Hehua remembered the Shuāng pí nǎi  that she brought in the basket and said to Gu Zhijin, "Well, good timing. I made some Shuāng pí nǎi for my child yesterday and also made a portion for your child. You can take it back with you." Then she took out the Shuāng pí nǎi from the basket.

Gu Zhijin had never heard of "Shuāng pí nǎi" and thought that this was the boss's exclusive delicacy. Every time she made some of her own unique dishes, they were always all delicious. Even he as an adult can become addicted after eating them. It is no wonder why his nephew likes her food so much. This Shuāng pí nǎi must be delicious too.

Gu Zhijin took the Shuāng pí nǎi and expressed his gratitude, "Thank you so much boss. I'd like to trouble you to pack some pastries for me too. Just like before. I'll take them back together."

Li Hehua nodded and took out an oil paper bag. She squatted and skillfully packed the pastries for him.

At this time, Gu Zhijin noticed the child squatting next to the basket and couldn't help but ask, "Boss, is this your child?"

Li Hehua replied as she packed the pastries, "Yes, this is my son. His name is Shulin. He doesn't talk that much. I hope Master Gu won't mind."

Gu Zhijin shook his head, "No problem, children always have different personalities but it is quite rare to see a child with a quiet temper."

Li Hehua smiled, glanced at the quiet little guy, and touched his little face gently. The little guy raised his eyes and looked at her, as if asking, "Mom, what are you doing?"

Li Hehua smiled even bigger.

Gu Zhijin watched the interaction between mother and son and also laughed, thinking that the boss must be a very good mother.

"Master Gu, your pastries are ready, please have it." Li Hehua packed the pastries and handed them to Gu Zhijin. She also told him about her relocation and the food stall. "By the way Master Gu, there's another thing. Starting tomorrow, my pastry stall will be moved to the entrance of Yangliu Alley. If you want to buy pastries, you can just go there directly from now on."

Gu Zhijin was confused, "Why did you move all of a sudden?"

Li Hehua explained with a smile, "It's like this. I'm going to open a stall to sell food. It's at the entrance of the alley over there, so I'll sell the pastries there as well."

Transmigration: The Peasant Gourmet Chef (穿越之农妇食娘)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin