Chapter 5 - Stay (2)

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At this time, Mrs. Zhang Lin came in and saw Li Hehua. She said with disgust, "I will live in this room in the future, don't wander around." If her son hadn't said he let her stay for a while longer, she would want to beat this evil woman out right now, rather than hold back her anger and continue to tolerate this woman.

Li Hehua took a deep breath and didn't say anything. She went straight out of the room to see the other rooms.

There are three rooms in the house. This one has been occupied by Zhang Tieshan's mother, and there are two remaining rooms. Li Hehua went over and looked at them one by one, and found that each room was packed with luggage, which was obviously already fixed. That is to say, there was no room for her.

Li Hehua was stunned. Where is she going to live without a room? Is it possible to sleep in the yard?

This matter could no longer be tolerated,. Li Hehua went directly to find Zhang Tieshan who was chopping firewood in the yard.

"Zhang Tieshan, there are only three rooms in the house. Mother live in my room. I looked at the other two rooms and there are luggage in there. Where am I going to stay? Can you make a room for me?"

After Li Hehua finished speaking, Zhang Tieshan continued to chop the firewood in his hand as if he hadn't heard her. When he was done, he saw that Li Hehua was still standing beside him. After giving her a cold look, he grabbed the axe and went into the house.

Li Hehua bit her lips, followed behind him and said, "Zhang Tieshan, I don't have a room to live in. Can you give me a room?"

Zhang Tieshan walked without changing his pace, and said as he walked, "There are no extra rooms. If you want to live here, go ahead. No one will stop you."

Li Hehua's footsteps stopped. Looking at the tall figure in front of her, she was so angry that she wanted to go up and scratch him twice.

It's really too much. Can you have a little pity and cherish the jade? Letting a woman as beautiful as flowers have no place to live? Eh... She looked down at her current appearance. Well, that is really not suitable to describe her. It is not suitable for her current self.

Forget it. She is now living under someone's roof and has to bow her head. When she has a place to live, she will never give a damn about this man again. She will never have to please others so much.

Li Hehua walked around the house and finally found a woodshed, which was very small in size. There were a lot of firewood piled in it, and some miscellaneous things.

Although this place is very bad, at least it can shelter her from wind and rain. As long as she cleans it up well, she can sleep on it.

Li Hehua got into the woodshed. She piled up the firewood that took up a lot of space, took all the messy things to the corner, and vacated a space to sleep. She then use some flat firewood, pile them together to form a simple bed that is slightly ten centimeters above the ground. 

It took more than two hours to sort out the woodshed. Li Hehua was so tired that she wanted to fall to the ground, but she gritted her teeth still and rested for a while. She then left the woodshed and went to the original owner's room to get a spare quilt.

Despite being glared at by Mother Zhang for a long time, she still bravely took it out. The sheets and pillowcases that were in the yard were already dry. She took them back to the woodshed together.

The wooden bed was very uncomfortable, and it was impossible to sleep directly on it. Li Hehua thought of the haystacks outside. As long as she paved it with some hay, it would not be so hard.

She ran to the haystack outside and tried her best to drag the hay. She brought it back to the woodshed to spread it and then went to drag it again. She was busy until it was dark before finally setting up her own little nest where she can barely sleep.

Looking at her "new room", Li Hehua recited a sentence to herself in a bitter and joyous way: God will give great responsibility, so people must first suffer their minds, work their muscles and bones, starve and empty their bodies, and walk. Acting up will disturb what he do, so we have to endure and we will be benefited so. (T/N: For short, just endure and she will be rewarded after.)

After reciting it, Li Hehua burst out laughing, feeling that she was not so miserable anymore.

Transmigration: The Peasant Gourmet Chef (穿越之农妇食娘)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum