Revenge of the fallen lord.

Start from the beginning

Ahsoka: (concerned) But what happens if--

She was cut off as we hear the others starting to wake, I turn to them as they all seem tired still.

Y/N: (loudly) It about time you woke up, we're going to use the prisoner here to call for a drop pod, then we take the pod to their base, hit them hard, take them by surprise and make them regret coming after us all.

O-mer: Are we really doing this? Right here, Right now?

Jinx: Guess so, there's no backing down now.

Chewie roars in anticipation, he want to give the lizards a good fight by the sounds of it.

Y/N: Then let's get going, the less time they have to prepare now, the more time we have an advantage over them.

I go over to the prisoner with Jinx, he looks at us and scoffs.

Prisoner: (snarling) I am not doing anything for you...

Y/N: I know, thats why I'm going to do this, (Waving my hand) "You will call down a speeder, you were captured but managed to escape."

Prisoner: "I will call down a speeder, I was captured but managed to escape."

Y/N: "When the pod arrives, you will attack the pilot, he is your arch enemy now."

Prisoner: "He is my arch enemy now, I shall attack him."

Ahsoka: Whoa, you can make them attack each other? Why have I never thought of that?

Y/N: (To Ahsoka) I like to think outside the box, besides, my power compared to all of your is way stronger, (to the younglings) no offence to you guys.

O-mer: None taken, considering we didn't even pass to padawan learners.

Kalifa: Alright then, let's get out of here, sick of this place anyway...

We all started to leave the tree, we managed to climb down with the prisoner still under my influence, after a while, we managed to get to the beach where we gave the prisoner his com back, he then did as I asked and called for a drop pod, we all backed up as we heard the pod come.

Y/N: (hushed tone) This is going to be the best thing you ever seen in your life's... Now sit back, and watch the show!

The pod came down and the pilot looked at the prisoner we had as he got into a fighting stance.

Pilot: Whoa, you look like you had it bad, come on, we can go get you a blaster and go after those younglings...

Prisoner: (raising his fists) You and I, have unfinished business!

Pilot: (confused) What are you on about-

He was cut off as the prisoner attacked him by leaping at him, the pilot tried to get him off but the prisoner overpowered him, the both then fell of the pod and onto the beach, we managed to steal the pod as the prisoner was beating the pilot to a pulp, O-mer piloted the pod and started to drive to the base above us, we managed to get the surprise on them as I was first to attack by jumping onto the platform and using the force to throw to trandoshans off the pad and fall to their deaths, the other's then joined me with chewie roaring out for a fight.

Kalifa: Well that happened... Now what? 

Y/N: You lot stay on the speeder and give us covering fire, Ahsoka, chewbacca, find some weapons and--

I was cut off as a trandoshan came out of the base and started to squeal for help, this alerted the base that we were here, Multiple trandoshans came out from inside the base, their leader also came out on a baloney above, he seemed angry to see us.

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