Chapter 10

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(this chapter includes a time skip and blood!)

Grian pushed himself up from the position letting out a quiet hiss as his wings woved alongside him. He sat up in his usual sitting position painfully probing his wings out to try and ease their pain his legs feeling almost dead from lack of use

Even when this effect wore off hed still have to get use to using them again.

When grian was alone he could think “maybe if i told him he would let me go, maybe i sho-” he shook his head to clear the thought “no. i cant tell anyone, no one can know” he repeated to himself, hes told himself the same line hundreds of times when ever he was asked about the wings if they were mentioned.

That time had passed no one could know of what happened and how he got the wings, he threw his hands up and grabbed onto his head effectively covering his ears

He needed to stop the hands on his ears somehow blocking his thoughts

Grians then dropped his hands letting them fall down lifeless beside him, then gave a small smirk ,a smile to the fact that whatever this was there's more, then he chuckled, a laugh knowing that if he escaped Sam even if he killed him It wouldent be over.

His lifeless arms threw back up to cover his eyes. Whatever this is, it's not futile revenge what Sam… or whoever that is. Wants info on his wings. That's it

The metal clanking of the door caught his attention. Grian looked up to a smiling sam "hey gree-on!" They smiled grian looked up at them face unchanging "so you've figured it out huh?... Guessed as much, I knew returning your memories would've made you realise I'm not actually Sam… boo hoo I guess" they pouted as if they were a toddler "then.. who are you" grain asked as he crosses his arms "hm, well grian it's been awhile nice to see you again, not really though" they said with a small wave ignoring his question

"Now can we start your weird friends are making it hard to get here I don't have much time" they started stepping towards them 

Each day it would come in and pull a couple feathers out of his wing theyed regenerate the next day but the blood that fell started to soak his wings turning his once purple tinted wings into a blood red colour.

that went on for the next month and a half



It's been over a month since grian had disappeared some of the other hermits started getting suspicious and would ask xisuma about his whereabouts

Without an answer he'd say that he's not sure probably on one of his projects which probably wasn't the most believable of excuses but what could he do

They'd all search different areas xisuma and ren searched the caves underground scar and stress would search the caves that were at the surface and iskall and mumbo would search the surface and sky

Mumbo could tell some of the others had started losing hope yet they still searched

Xisuma was able to set up a private chat for the group to discuss whenever anyone found anything. Anything at all they would tell everyone and give their coordinates

Alot of the time it'd be a hermits structure that was build while exploring or mining or just safety holes that were made to survive the night.

Mumbos communicator gave a ping as he was placing some of the finishing touches to his redstone contraption. As he dusted off his hands he picked it up to see a message from scar

<GoodTimeWithScar> me and stress found a room made out of quartz shoved Into a cave we haven't gone near it yet here's the cords x.x.x

<MumboJumbo> omw

<Xisumavoid> same

He readied his elytra grabbed some rockets and Flew towards the cords it was about 2000 blocks away from where they had met Sam first

As he landed he saw most of there group only missing Ren "Ren said he can't make it" xisuma said as mumbo landed they all have a small sigh "well let's get this done all together just incase there's someone there" scar informed as they made there way to the cave

Walking up to the ugly quartz structure none of them really expecting to find anything they walked around the structure finding a iron door on one of its walls mumbo walked forward and peeked through the holes in the door

And there he was…

They had found him


WOO! cant wait to write next chapter!

I had a sudden spark to write but it was late and I couldn't use my laptop so I pulled out my phone and just wrote

It's a little shorter I know..

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