27. christmas

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(Yes i'm aware I skipped loads and some of this will be more in This Winter...but enjoy)

It had been a crazy first term as a 6th former.

I had been quite busy with work and spending time with Imogen and my friends. Nick had been in agonising pain. His boyfriend Charlie had been in hospital due to an eating disorder.

Nick had been alone a lot and I felt really bad for him but he had locked himself away and out of my life. I missed him.

Charlie had got back a few days ago and Nick was happy, It's just Charlie was spending more time with his family.

It was now 9:00 and I had just woke up. Imogen was still staying with us. She was sat on my bed reading.
"Merry Christmas," She said.
"Merry Christmas," I replied. My voice was groggy but then I got up and we kissed.
"C'mon, everyone's been waiting," she said.

I put my dressing gown on and went downstairs. Nick and my mum were there. There was a hot chocolate with a candy cane in it for all of us on the table. We drank them, they were delicious.

After opening presents, we watched the grinch as it was on tv and our relatives started to arrive. I had to introduce them to Imogen and surprisingly, most of them accepted it. Well that was until David walked in.
"Still with Imogen?" He asked.
"Merry Christmas asshole,"
"Merry Christmas fa-,"
"Okay, nice to see you David," My mum said butting in.

After lunch we we're all relaxing and then Nick went out the door. I ignored it and sat with Imogen until I heard one of my relatives say.
"So I'm guessing that's you're boyfriend then,"

Me and Imogen turned around shocked.

Charlie was here. He was soaked by the rain and was hugging Nick.

Most of my relatives had left now.

Me and Imogen were just chilling when I turned to her.
"Wanna go somewhere just the two of us?"
"ok...?" She said confused.

I told my mum we're we're going out. She was fine with it, she just wanted us to be warm and make sure if we got cold we came back.

We went to the park. It was where me and Imogen first hung out and when I realised I liked her.

"So...what did you bring me here for?" She asked.
"I like it here, It's where I fell in love with you," is said.
"awww, so not when I hit B*n with the fire extinguisher?" She asked and I laughed.
"Ok yeah that's close," I said.

I led down and she lay next to me.

"You know that I'll always love you right?" I asked her.
"Yeah, of course Maxine, you're my dream girl," Imogen said.

I led on my side and grabbed her face slightly. She looked at me.
"You we're the one person who was always there for me," I told her.

"I think I always liked you," She said.
"Really?" I asked sitting up a bit.
"Yeah, there was always something about you since the day I met you that I liked, and it wasn't because you were Nick's sister or one of the girls everyone knew and we're mysterious. I think I just liked who you are, so never change Maxine Nelson," She smiled.
"You never change either Imogen Heaney," I said.

She looked at me and I looked at her. Our eyes locked and then we pulled together into a passionate kiss.

Maxine Nelson • heartstopper ffKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat