22. home

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"me, were dating," Nick said grabbing Charlie's hand and they both stood up.

"Omg i knew it,"
"I didn't know Nick was gay,"
"I'm bi actually,"
"Aww, you two are so cute together,"
"Really, how long have you been going out?"
"A couple months actually,"
"That's crazy! I never would've guessed Nick was gay,"
"Did you turn Nick gay?"
"No, he's bi actually,"
"ohh so that's why you wouldn't kiss James,"

"Do you want us to keep it a secret?"
"We're ok with it being out," Charlie said.
"We haven't been keeping it that secret anyway," Nick said. I scoffed at that comment and he gave me the eyes.

"Ahem? I hate to interrupt, but i feel really ill," Darcy said.

Tara grabbed Darcy and they ran out of the room and through the corridor.
"Mr Farooook!" Tara shouted.

They knocked on his door.
"What!" Mr Farouk asked.
"Darcy feels super ill and like she's going to be sick," Tara said. "I think she may have good food poisoning or something,"

We we're let in. Darcy sat in between Mr Ajayi and Tara on the bed.
"Ok just sit there and take a deep breath," Mr Ajayi said. "I'll find a bag just in case,"

but it was too late. Darcy threw up on the bed.
"I want everyone out except Tara and Darcy. Everyone go back to your rooms!" the teacher shouted.

Me Tao, Imogen, Elle, Nick and Charlie then had to go and clear everyone out of the room.
"Party's over everyone!"

Me, Imogen, Issac, Sahar, Tao and Elle were going to stay in our room for a big sleepover. Nick and Charlie we're going back to theirs.
"No having sex!" Tao said and they both froze and turned around.

"Ok so we have 3 beds." Elle said.
Me and Imogen flopped on the first one.
"Two beds,"
"Me and Sahar can go together," Issac said.
"I guess that leaves me and you," Tao said and got in the bed.

The Next Day

I woke up and everyone was awake.
"Hey, we have to leave soon," Imogen told me.
"Ok," i hooded and got up.

I went over to the bathroom and got in the shower. The warm water soaked my body and it was nice.

Once i'd finished, I grabbed a towel. Since we we're going back home today, I wore a pair of jogging bottoms and a cropped purple top. I tied my hair in a ponytail and then went to finish packing my bag.

Once we had all finished, We went downstairs. I didn't have breakfast as I wasn't that hungry. We we're going on a bus as well and I didn't want to be sick.

Me and Imogen sat next to each other in the bus. She grabbed her phone and earbuds and we listened to music. It was quite nice.

I was staring out of the window. I felt Imogen grab my hand and I looked down. I squeezed it and I saw a small smile appear on her cheek. I then used my other hand to tilt her head towards mine and then I kissed her lips. Imogen's face lit up and then she kissed me back.

I led my head on Imogen. I was still tired. She smoothed my head and then I looked up.

Imogen booped my nose.
"Get some rest, We're gonna be on this bus for ages,"
I frowned and then said "ok mum," she laughed.

I led on Imogen for all the ride until we had a rest stop. We went to get some food and went to the gift shop. I walked over and we saw pillow pets. "We should get one each," Imogen said. "yeah!" i agreed.

We looked and I saw a ladybug and a Unicorn. "I'll have the ladybug," i told her and she nodded.
"and i'll have the unicorn," she said.

We walked over to the tills and paid for them. we then got back with the others to get on the bus.
"what have you bought?" Nick asked with a slightly disapproved tone.
"a ladybug," I said.
"Was it necessary?"
"100%," i said and me and Imogen giggled.

On the ride home, me and Imogen watched some movies and listened to music.

When we arrived back at school, I saw my mum. Me and Imogen walked out of the bus holding hands.
"see you after," Imogen said and hugged me. I nodded and smiled before turning to my mum. I hadn't kissed Imogen because her parents were there and her parents didn't know, I didn't want to out her to them as it would be better if she told them.

"How was it?" Mum asked as Nick stood behind me. He had just said goodbye to Charlie.
"It was really fun!" I said and Nick agreed.

When we arrived at home, I wanted to just relax but I couldn't. Mum had asked us so many things in the car about the trip, but she'd told us to wait downstairs because there was a surprise in our rooms.

When we we're both ready, we went upstairs. Mum was behind us and we stood in front of our rooms.
"ok, 3,2,1," she said and then at the same time we pushed our doors open.

There was a lesbian pride flag hanging up in my room above my bed. I turned around in shock.
"What do you think?" Mum asked us.
"Wow, thank you," I said and she smiled. Nick also said thank you. I'm guessing that he had got a bisexual one.

Once we had finished un-packing. I led on my bed and relaxed.

I unlocked my phone and went into messages. Darcy had created a group called Paris Gang. I looked at the people in the group, It was Darcy, Tara, Imogen, Me, Nick, Charlie, Elle, Tao, and Sahar.

Paris gang

What is this Darcy? ~ Tara

A group chat Jonesy ~ Darcy

Anyone wanna go to the beach? ~ Elle

Yeah, sounds fun ~ Tao

Ok sure, but when? ~ Max

How about this weekend? ~ Darcy

Sure, sounds fun! ~ Imogen

I closed my phone and led on my bed. I was exhausted and so before i knew it, i had fallen asleep.

Maxine Nelson • heartstopper ffWhere stories live. Discover now