6. game

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I was sat with Nick on the bench before school. My mum had wrote to the school explaining why I couldn't wear a blazer. They weren't happy about it but they decided my education was more important than the school uniform.

"Oh shit, I have to go. I have morning detention," I told Nick. They decided to give me detentions for some reason but I didn't really care.
"Oh I have detention aswell," a girl said. I turned. It was Imogen, Nick's friend.

"Oh hey Imogen," I said. I knew her just not as well as she knew Nick.
"Hi Max," she said.
"Let's go together," I suggested and she laughed and then we walked away.

"So...how are you coping?" Imogen asked me awkwardly.
"Still in pain, but slowly recovering," I told her.
"Good, I blocked B*n for you btw," she said.
"Oh you didn't have to-" I started.
"Max shhhh, it's fine. I never really liked him anyways," Imogen said.

I was sat at lunch with my friends when Imogen came over.
"Oh hey Imogen," I said and waved at her.
"Hi Max," she said and then turned to face Tara.
"Tara, I heard you were dating Nick Nelson and now your kissing some girl at a party," Imogen said.
"Tara kissed her girlfriend at a party and now everyone keeps asking her if she's dating Nick Nelson?" Darcy asked.
"So that girl is her girlfriend?" Imogen asked.
"That girl? I'm right here!" Darcy said.
"Well...me and Nick are basically together so..." Imogen said.
"Are you?" I asked.
"Well...technically," she said. "Are you and Nick dating?" She asked Tara again.
"I'm a lesbian," Tara said.
"Ok..." Imogen said.
"I'm not homophobic, I'm an ally," Imogen said.
"Congratulations," Tara said.
"We thank you for your service," Darcy said.
Imogen walked away.

I grabbed my phone and put it under the table


Are you dating Imogen?
~ Max

What, no? What has she been saying?
~ Nick

Just that you two are together

Ok, thanks for the heads up
~ Nick

"Who are you texting?" Elle asked.
"My brother, surprisingly he's not dating Imogen," I said.
"Ha," Darcy said and I laughed.

She grabbed one of her crisps and chucked it at me.
"Hey!" I complained and she laughed.


It was raining. I was going to the rugby game because Charlie was playing and all my friends were going.

I was in my fleece, leggings, rain coat and boots and yet I was still cold.
"You'll warm up soon," Nick told me.
"Sure I will," I said sarcastically.

We all spoke to Charlie and his friends Tao and Issac. I was introduced and I said hi but I wasn't paying much attention.
"I still don't get why I'm here," I complained to Nick.
"Shhh, the game is starting in a second.

We we're all in the crowd under umbrellas cheering.

I noticed B*n. I stared me dead in the eyes.
What? I mouthed to him.
Follow me. He mouthed back.
No! I mouthed angrily.

He took his phone out and then soon after I got a alert

Come with me or you'll regret it. I will tell them about the drugs and the vape. And if you don't come, I'll just hurt Charlie.

I didn't know how he would hurt Charlie and to be honest, I didn't want to find out.

Fine, but where

Music rooms
~ B*n

I walked away from the group and Tara grabbed my hand slightly.
"Where are you going?" She asked.
"Bathroom," I lied quickly and then walked away.

I met him in the music rooms. I didn't want to go but I couldn't let him hurt Charlie. I didn't care about the drugs and the vape anymore. I knew I would get into trouble but I cared about Charlie and the effect it would have on him more than just some stupid secret.

"What do you want?" I asked.
"To kiss you," he said.
"Yeah well, I don't, I don't like you and I want to break up," I told him.
"Ooo feisty," he smirked.
"I thought you'd already got in enough trouble as it is, but clearly you have attachment issues," I said.
"Just shut up! Besides I didn't get in trouble," he said.
"What?" I asked.
"Yeah, seems the school don't care," he said.
"But, but..." I started.
"Shut up Maxine," he yelled and slapped me across the face.
"You do realise, I can do anything, and nobody is going to stop me," he said and kicked me so I fell over.

"Except for me," I heard a familiar voice say. It was Imogen.
"Imogen?" I asked.
"I saw you text her B*n," she said.
"And why do you care? Your not even friends?" Ben asked.
"Oh we are," Imogen said and I smiled at him. "Now, leave Max alone!" She yelled.
"Or what?" He asked.
"I'll hit you with this," Imogen said and grabbed the fire extinguisher off the wall.

Ben cowered back to the wall.
"Just as I thought, now c'mon Max," Imogen said and I got up.
"Your gonna regret this," B*n spat.
"Doubt I will," I said and me and Imogen walked away.

"Why did you do that for me?" I asked.
"You don't deserve it, and your my friend," she told me.
"Really? I thought you were Nick's friend," I said.
"I can have more than one friend Max," She told me.

We walked outside and Tara and Darcy were there.
"Hey, you ok? We we're about to look for you," Darcy asked.
"Yeah, I am. Thanks to Imogen," I said.
Tara looked at her skeptically.
"What? If she wasn't there, I would be in a lot more trouble," I said.
"Did you run into B*n again?" Darcy asked.
"I didn't say that did I?" I asked.
"Max!" Tara said.
"Fine I did, luckily Imogen saw him text me and she came to help." I said.
"I tried to hit him with a fire extinguisher but he got scared. Coward," Imogen huffed.
"Ok, so maybe I did judge you too early, you see cool," Darcy said.
"Darce," Tara said disapprovingly.
"It's fine, now let's go watch the game," Imogen suggested and we walked over.

All we saw was a crowd of people be pushed away and Charlie in the middle on the floor.
"Charlie!" Nick yelled.

They had to cancel the match. I waited with Imogen since Elle had gone with Tao and I didn't know where Tara and Darcy had gone.
"Now's your big chance Imogen," Harry said.
"Omg no, there's no way he likes me!" Imogen gushed.
"Who likes you?" I asked.
"Your brother," Harry told me and I nodded.

Nick walked out of the changing room.
"Heyyyy Nick," Imogen said.
"Hi Imogen," Nick said ignoring her gushy tone.
"So...I was wondering...if you would like to go out with me some time," Imogen asked.
"Y-yeah, yeah that sounds great!" Nick said.

Nick walked away to the car unaware of Imogen's excitement.
"Omg Max!" She said.
"Good luck with him, I'll see you on Monday," I told her.

Maxine Nelson • heartstopper ffWhere stories live. Discover now