" The skateboard championship has not been cancelled due to the rain, all participants, grab your skateboards, your safety equipment and come all to the new skateboard lane of Luna Nova, now bigger and also indoors, so we won't be limited by the rain, head to the underground of Luna Nova, all the girls, including the participants, for our big championship! " Ursula warns through the microphone.

The girls were getting confused by the corridors, trying to understand where there was this hidden skateboarding lane, Amanda when listening even got celebrating of happiness, the same way Hellene also, quite anxious to see this new lane.
Akko went grabbing her skateboard and also the safety equipment, she went running with her friends and also a crowd that was going towards the underground, walking to this skateboard track.
When they arrived, the girls had been amazed, everything was organized this time, the corridor was separated between the participants and the spectators, being at this time when Sucy and Lotte gave a brief goodbye to their friend.

" Good luck Akko, get on with it " Yanson said.

" Just don't go ugly and take several tumbles right at the beginning " Manbavaran said laughing and Atsuko went to show her the middle finger.

Kagari goes walking in the corridor of the participants, dying of anxiety, she arrived to what seemed to be a waiting lobby, a room with some armchairs and sofas, where there were Amanda, Diana and Hellene, talking among themselves, noticing the presence of the red-eyed girl, waving to her.
Soon the brownish girl arrives in the group of girls, being greeted, O'Neill goes looking impressed to the whole track from the window that had in the room and it was possible to see everything.

" Who would have thought that all this time they had made a whole track like that " said the American.

" It all makes sense to me now, this must have been Akko's training ground, Croix and Ursula must have trained her here giving her a huge field advantage that we still don't have, while we're going to be recognising the track, metre by metre, Akko already knows every corner " said the younger Cavendish.

" It makes sense, but Akko is only a one"month rookie, she may have trained until she can't give anymore, only even then one month is nothing," Amanda said shrugging.

" I agree with O'Neill, after a few good batteries, really that field advantage will end as we'll have got used to it," said the older Cavendish.

" Wow thanks for the messages of support, I swear I will destroy you and prove you both wrong " Kagari said motivated, even getting pats on the redhead's shoulder.

" I won't underestimate or doubt Akko, you'll make a mistake finding these things " said the purple"eyed one.

At the same time the rest of the participants arrived, and from all the girls, twenty came to participate in this championship, they were Akko, Diana, Amanda, Hellene, Wangari, Aira, Rita, Irene, Sarah, Catharina, Daisy, Sóla, Hilda, Carmen, Molly, Rina, Shao Yi, Heather, Verochka and Mary. The twenty participants had already arrived, they were stretching themselves, preparing for the beginning of the championship, while the rest of the girls from Luna Nova were arriving little by little.
Soon they all arrived at the bleachers, which also had viewers so that the girls could see all the action, and soon Ursula and Croix started a live stream through the internet, to show the championship to the world, showing the bleachers and then the camera focused on them holding the microphones.

" All right! And here we all are for the event that was most expected to happen here in Luna Nova, the skateboard championship! Now live and also on a new track, indoors, as there is a lovely summer rain here in Glastonbury today to cool off after the hot day yesterday! " Ursula said.

" We move on to our presentation ceremony, where twenty contestants will face off in multiple heats to see who here is the most skilled skater in Luna Nova, competing not only for a trophy but also a very generous prize of five thousand pounds for them to use as they please, The other places are also not without a win, the second place gets three thousand pounds, and the third with two thousand, the fourth gets a thousand, the fifth with five hundred and the other twenty participants already have a hundred pounds guaranteed for each " said Croix already leaving the girls who were excited in the waiting room.

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