Luna Nova dancing

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The night was falling that day after the eight girls were discussing about what they had dreamed and the conclusions were a real division among them, five went for the most logical and scientific idea of everything being only holograms and illusions created by Ursula and Croix for them not to go to that place in Luna Nova, while the few remaining three were thinking in a more fanciful logic, where there was the presence of magic in the middle, being these specially Akko, Marianne and Hellene, the three girls that have a mentality towards the more open and fanciful side of this matter.
In the meantime, all the girls from the Luna Nova
orphanage were getting ready for the party that was about to happen, with the visit of the orphans from the Appleton boys orphanage who came as a summer holiday trip to spend a few days in Glastonbury since there would also be a music festival there, but the intention of visiting Luna Nova is a strange link that that school academy has with something from Luna Nova, mainly due to the fact that some of the boys there in some cases have married some girls from Luna Nova.


In the blue team's room was the greatest anxiety on the part of Hannah and Barbara, who were getting ready for this place, very euphoric, while Diana remained calm even, wearing a plaid blouse, jeans with some rips on the thigh, a black tank top, leaving very evident the piercings on her helix, a black all star with a long pipe with red lines, leaving her private room already arranged and her colleagues did not stop noticing her friend's look.

" Girl, it amazes me how you don't even have to get ready to look attractive, I have to say it looks just like you," Barbara said.

" The problem will be to impress the boys from Appleton, dressing like that you can't even hide that you're a lesbian, you even seem to want to call attention to Atsuko Kagari haha, you haven't stopped talking about her lately and you've even dated them " Hannah said, while Diana was slowly blushing.

" Hannah! " Parker said scoldingly.

" It's not like that, I just want to be myself, there's no reason why I should get all fussed up like you two, you've been there for hours just to choose an earring to put in your ear and what shade of foundation to put on your face " Cavendish replies.

" It's not for nothing that because of a mentality like that, you Cavendish have been losing the prestige of what was once one of the most traditional families in Britain.

From there Diana sat on the sofa in her room, where she stayed playing to pass the time, as 9pm would be the time when the Appleton boys would arrive to mark their presence at the camp.
Only not many of the rooms had euphoric girls wanting to get ready to welcome the Appleton
boys, some of these the girls simply just dressed up in what they thought was an outfit to be able to make an exit.


The moment of the Appleton's boys visit arrives, all the girls of Luna Nova, already dressed, are organizing themselves in rows to receive the boys of that orphanage, a good part of them were dressing even in a casual way, in the middle of some few that are really using expensive and sophisticated dresses.
The Jaguars are arriving at the door of Luna Nova, parking and from there each one goes down the boys wearing mostly sophisticated and designer clothes, accompanied by some older men, where when arriving at the door everything is opened for them to pass in the corridor where they even had a red carpet in hands.
Some of the girls are already getting hysterical and euphoric with the appearance of the elegant boys, well dressed in their great majority, the suit that let evident the slender bodies of the boys that stop in the middle of the way after all get in and stop at the sign of the gentleman that was ahead with gray hair, green eyes, wearing a light brown frame glasses.
This same man is walking until he reaches Ursula and Croix who were dressing in a rather casual way, they didn't want to show any class.

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