The end of the Summer

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The revelations shocked the eight girls who discovered the truth about what was happening in Luna Nova, the adults were trying to be as realistic as possible about everything, to tell the truth before things could get worse, but they didn't expect such an unsatisfied reaction from the girls, much to the thought of how all this came to be something hidden under the eight girls' noses.

With the eight of them holding hands agreeing to move forward on this journey for the betterment of magic it was a relief to the six women there, as never before had an alliance to save magic been as grand as the one in 1999 when they first tried to save magic from the cultists.

" I thank you for joining us, I believe we may be able to restore magic to the old glory of before, or even bring a new glory, but first I have to explain something about the three seals... They are blue, green and red, the blue seal is the wisdom seal, we don't know for sure who is the bearer of the seal, as well as the others, the green seal is the seal of time and finally the red seal which is the seal of strength and power, so that we can break these seals we have to find the witches who bear the seal, train them, it will be a difficult task, since these witches have a much bigger difficulty in being able to use magic, but once the seal is broken, they can release an enormous power.

" But we have to be aware that this would also lead to the release of Margaret Ford who is sealed away in an unknown place, which it is better not to say now because it is dangerous, this is a witch who better not be messed with," said Bernadette.

" So is that it? We're just in a situation like this where we're chosen heroines without much choice? Where we now have the burden of saving magic on our backs? And what about you? You're in your prime, don't tell me you're not going to help us with this.

" We will help them by training them and we can also go on this journey together, I'm not just going to be an ass who sits here and watches these cultists kill my daughters and friends," McLaren said.

" We are very sorry for all this... We didn't want to put this burden on you, it's just that our situation is very critical, we have to deal with these difficulties, which are beyond our means... " said Chariot.

" Well, for today it's just an explanation, I ask you to be present here in winter, who knows so we can start our journey in search of the seals, what I ask is that you don't stop training magic, now I leave everything in the hands of Croix and Chariot to help you to achieve this ... Anyway, Diana, Hellene, today is your last day here, we will leave tomorrow morning back to Scotland," said the older redhead, who then cast a spell on the door, removing what was inhibiting the sound.

With that the passage of the girls was being released, each one was going towards their room, walking slowly through the corridors, with a huge revelation that was said in these last minutes, information that was filling the girls' heads throughout this time, of something that was out of the control of the future witches.
Diana was heading towards her room, still indignant at what happened, she felt a hand on her shoulder, looking back noticing someone family.

" Akko? " Cavendish asks.

" Please Diana, today is the last day... Let's go back there, I will miss you... " Said the weeping Kagari.

The two look at each other, very close, half reluctant, the one with platinum hair decides to go with the brown one, walking by the corridors, where they went up floor by floor again in Luna Nova.
The others were following the way to another place, Hellene was hiding tears, going to her room where she started to be alone since then, but for a short time when she heard some knocks on the door, where was Marianne. She even comes to answer it, receiving a hug from Leclerc.

" Since today is the last day, shall we spend this time together? " said the French girl.

" I am devastated, normally I would love it, but all this... Mari, I might end up having the same fate as Chariot Du Nord, I've dreamt all my life of wanting to be a professional skateboarder and now I'm going to have to leave that to the future of magic.... " The Scottish lass said.

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