Learning the first tricks

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Wednesday 21 June 2017, Glastonbury, England

It's been two days since Akko arrived at the Luna Nova Summer Camp, she's been having the expected fun, experiencing already some new adventures, even getting into some trouble. On the first day she learned how to skateboard and gave Hannah and Barbara a hard time, on the second day she stayed at the green team room with Amanda, Constanze and Jasminka, getting closer to the girls, taking advantage of the rainy day to play videogames, since it didn't stop raining for even a minute that day, or when it stopped the rain would come back, but on the next day the forecast said it would be sunny again, which Kagari couldn't wait to get back to skateboarding.

In the morning the sun is drying the remaining puddles of water, and Croix helped a bit by sweeping the water that had accumulated, taking it to the grass around, which would leave it drier after lunchtime when the skateboarding track would be open again.


Akko had spent the morning in her team's room, doing some more touch ups, as well as playing a bit of video games with Sucy, just looking forward to skateboarding, so much so that she went to the canteen already carrying the board around her waist, sat down at the table to eat lunch and soon Amanda arrives joining Atsuko for a chat.

" Good morning Akko, ready to really learn what skateboarding is all about? Now we'll teach you some manoeuvres, plus you won't be going down those silly little ramps," O'Neill said, rubbing Kagari's head with a closed fist.

" I've been waiting for this since yesterday, let's see if the so fucked up Amanda O'Neill knows anything, because more like you just keep thinking yourself anyway " Akko simply replies in the best way for her friend.

The time goes by and the Japanese girl goes eating with such a hurry, just waiting to go to the skateboarding track to learn more of those maneuvers that Amanda talks so much about. As soon as she finishes, Akko goes to the skate park with O'Neill, noticing that it was already dry and there were some girls trying some maneuvers, with that the redhead puts her skateboard on the ground and starts to give some stretches, besides breathing very deep, the brown girl is just waiting.

" Well now come on, first thing you have to do is stretch, staring like that won't help you when you're learning to do some manoeuvres," said Amanda, and with that Akko even started to do some very quick stretches.

" Ready? Now what? " Answers Kagari after she finishes stretching.

" Do you know Ollie? Show me " Amanda asks the first question to her friend who starts to make the first Ollie.

Akko still does half still, which comes out even a little from the ground, then starts trying to do it in movement, which also even comes out something, O'Neill was meticulously observing Kagari's movements, noticing already some things, so much that he already made a point of signalling her to stop.

" Okay, I see that you know how to do the Ollie, so I give you a tip, flex your knees more to give impulse, leave your feet further back, they are still too close to the screws, besides the fact that your front foot needs to move like this, this way the tail rises as much as the nose " O'Neill is showing it with her hands and soon Kagari is putting it in practice, still in the first attempts without leaving much, but starting to notice a pattern with the feet moving, until one comes out that surprised Amanda.

" Wow! That one I felt was loud," Akko said excitedly.

" Well, you still have a lot to learn, but this is the right way, don't forget to always practice a good Ollie, this way you can improve more and even get a higher height, the way it is now you can climb on a low crate, now let's have one more, check this out " Amanda starts trying to do some varials, but in the first attempts it doesn't go very well, until she starts to get used to it, getting it right some of the times, which already leaves Kagari with shining eyes.

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