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The shock was huge at what Laura ended up revealing in a few movements, of the eight girls, five were extremely shocked, the other three who knew of the existence of magic also exhibited some shock at what had occurred, it was an unexpected day as they were planning everything to try and get the book Lotte had taken that day, only it was all in front of them, the room was with a spell that was used to inhibit sound, all that was done so they could hear without spreading it to other people.

Hellene and Marianne are not far behind either, they even get up and start to perform a demonstration of spells, then comes Akko who is trying at all costs to do something, but the lights only end up flashing in a totally suspicious and mysterious way, which Laura ends up signalling them all to stop.

" Is there anyone else who was already using magic? " Laura asks in a rather serious tone.

" Only these three, we didn't believe them, they went deep into this idea that magic was real, the rest of us just stayed in ours, not believing much, we even thought that this was all just a role"playing game or something like that " Diana answers and the other five also agree with their heads, which McLaren takes a deep breath passing her hand on her face.

" Very well, some of you haven't awakened the magic yet, so you will have a harder time, you may cause these flickers in the light, this is still your body still trying to accept the magic " Ursula said.

" Listen to us carefully, you will need to if you want to take this forward," said Croix.

" The future and the fate of magic depends only on you " Bernadette said.

A huge shock still remained in the room, the girls remained silent, still shocked by these messages, so much so that soon Diana is the first of them to stand up showing even a little bit of an expression of indignation.

" How long have they kept this from us? Since we were born we've been living in this lie... Because.... Because mothers... What we did... " Asks the older, still discredited Cavendish, Laura soon makes a point of getting up to tell the truth.

" It all started in 1999, until that year we could have our academies of witchcraft, although in secret, we lived in an era that was already dark for magic, since our practice had to be done in secret because it was ordered by the Ministry of Magic. Me and her mother already wanted to change that, to bring magic to be something for everyone, to change the stigma that was created, even to demystify it, but it was a fight in vain, the Ministry of Magic is simply much more powerful than we could imagine, they never listened to us, me and my group of friends... On the 6th of June 1999 was when the bomb dropped, the Ministry of Magic was attacked by a group of cultists that until today we still don't know the name, they took over everything, killed dozens of witches, starting to dissolve magic all over the world in every corner, which was forcing some places to close, to hide their magical origin, all this by the hands of this cult that today is in charge of all the magic in the world... They are hidden and concealed by the eyes of everyone, you never know, some witches are even with them, it is a constant danger that we experience, using magic around exposes us to be hunted, because that is what happens to any witch who uses magic, we are experiencing the new witch hunt " Explains Laura showing all this with a movie that was happening through magical illusions caused in a wall.

" Luna Nova was never an orphanage, Luna Nova was always one of the most renowned witch academies in the whole world, among witches we were the biggest, when all this happened, we gave Holbrooke a suggestion to turn this into an orphanage, close the doors completely," Bernadette said.

" Here we come, we were the first children to come here, much for the prevention of magic, we are not in this place by coincidence, as we even thought we were when we were your age, the reason why we are here is because we are descendants of what once were the nine ancient witches " said Croix.

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