"Hmm and bring all your colleagues too, not the interns only the employees, have I made myself clear?" He asks and I clench my eyes,

I can't give in. No. He never checked back on me after that day in his flat he never came twice, left me on my own and hurt me in ways I'd never thought I'd be hurt. So no. I'm not going to find Harry attractive at all.

"I'll see you later, baby." He turns to me saying the words in a whisper, despite the promise I made not even a second ago my body betrays me and my whole being lits up at the term before I could say anything though he's out of Victor's office.

"God he's such an asshole!" The alpha beside me groans and for once I do agree with him.


It was no surprise when Victor and the others came out from the office that they were having frowns on each of their face, I glance at Lauren to see her slumping down, the usual twinkle from her eyes melted into a sad look as she smiles at me.

"What? What is it?" I whisper holding her hands and she purses her lips, tears gathered around her eyes, "I've been working here since five years. Didn't know my time as a manager here would be up so early." Her words make my heart sink. This firm had nothing but been kind towards me, being an intern in here I never felt like one because the others Never treated me as a newbie well some of them had their own issues like Jeanne who's currently complaining to one of her intern alpha hookup animatedly shaking her hands, but besides her everyone has always been kind to me.

Without thinking twice I barged inside Harry's office, he looks up at me with a stern look which melts when he realises who it is. A grin taking over and suddenly he looks younger than he is with dimples popping out and all bunny teeth in display, green— no Louis, you're here to talk on behalf of your friends, keep your hormones on check!

"Hey there. Sweet—"

"You cannot fire them from their jobs, Harry! They've got families to provide, you don't know half of the shit they do just so they could have money for their kids and wives and husbands! How cruel can you be to take away the job of those people Harry! Those people work day and night in this shitty firm trying to earn as much as possible with the broken xerox machine and the shock giving printer! One of them had already touched death what with the dumb lightenings in here! They've been risking themselves because half of them are omegas and we, Omegas don't get much job in here do we? They are out here in this bad city risking their dignities and you come in here all with your glory only to fire them? They are humans for gods sake they've got to have the primary luxury of buying things but it won't be possible if you take away their jobs, first you charm them by giving out dumb flowers and now you fire them." I ramble and when I was out of breathe I stopped taking a deep inhale, I looked at Harry to find him leaning his bum against the counter now standing in front of me with a glass of water,

"Reckon you might need this." Is what he says handing me the glass which I take gulping down mouthfuls of water, "I want you to work as a full time employee and I want your office to be in front of mines." I frown, "Fuck no. I'm not obliging to you, I'm an intern and when my internship ends I'm going to look for a new job probably not here because I hate you." He blinks at my words.

"You're so sweet, my love." He comes forward and thumbs the corner of my mouth before bringing it to his, I fluster at that, "So caring and understanding, would make a perfect queen won't you?"

"The fuck are you even speaking?" I gape and he smiles, "Mind your language, baby. Also have you ever had a shock from that printer?"

"No. Harry I just ranted you the reason—"

"Shh no Shh. Deep breathes. Okay, there we go. Good boy, my perfectly good omega—

"I'm not yours—

"Louis deep breathes. Now have you ever had to use the broken xerox machine?" I frown at his words, "Of course I do."

"Okay. Have you been paid enough?"

"I'm an intern!"

"That wasn't my question."


"Good, has anyone ever harassed you?"

"Nope. I know karate and how to use my knees. Want me to demo it for you?" He chuckles and presses a kiss on my hair, "Feisty little thing. Did you like the roses?"

"Of course I did—oh fuck. No! You're not doing this to me. Stay away." He caresses my cheeks, "Will you forgive me if I say sorry?"

"I'm not talking to you about this, Harry."

"Please my—"

"Not yours. Nor will I ever be, ever again." His eyes fills up with sadness and that's the first time I've seen something in his eyes besides anger or lust,

"And am I not sorry about it? I'm not letting you go or getting out of here until I have you back with me, Louis." I could see my features hardening as I stare at him, "You're not having me back, Harry. I've had enough of you. Goodbye." I say turning to walk out only for a warm hand to clasp around my wrist and pull me until my back is against a broad chest. My breathing labours when Harry's minty breathe hits my neck arousing goosebumps on their wake.

"You're my omega, Louis and I'm having my queen back whether you like it or not." He whispers making me release a shuddery breathe, I turn my face a little to keep distance between us, his green eyes falling on my lips before looking back up again, "In your dreams, Mr.Styles. Don't sound so cocky because you're going to regret it. I'm done with you." I gasp when he flicks my belly piercing through the layers of clothe as if he knows my body so well.

"No you aren't. Off you go, sweetheart and remind that boss of yours to keep his hands to himself before I do something worse like separate them limb by limb from his body. See you later, baby." He kisses my ear and then opens the door.

Fuming, I walk out of his office. I was mad, at myself for being so affected by him and that asshole for affecting me so much!


"Where were you!" Lauren asks with wide eyes. "I uh went into Ha-Mr.Styles' office to plead him to not fire you all." She gives me a weird look before bursting out into laughter, slapping her knees as he she does so,

"Laur I know getting fired affects you but babe—"

"L-Louis, no! Shh my god.....I-oh I'm sorry wait let me laugh a bit more." I eye her confusedly until she's standing upright, "I'm not getting fired!"

"But you said that you didn't—

"Instead of being a manager I'm the head of this department now! Victor's the manager. Everyone just got promoted to a new position. Lou, how much have you embarrassed yourself?" I whine and hide my face in my hands, "I just—Lauren! I embarrassed the hell out of myself and that asshole didn't even corrected me instead offered me water with that infuriating smug smile of his."

"Oh my god this is gold!" She laughs, "What's gold?" Victor's voice comes through and I shriek, "Nothing!"

"It's everything Vic, everything!"

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