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Chrisanna was chasing one of her schoolmates Aimee. She didn't notice herself running further away from the school, what she did notice was that she was lost.

At first she waited to be found by a teacher but no one came. As she started to hiccup in fear and anxiety, she saw a shadowy figure making it's way to her.

"Are you lost girly" the shadowy figure said as he finally revealed himself. He was tall and had yellow teeth his clothing was torn and wet, and he had an evil glint in his eyes that sent shivers down little Anna's back.

This caused her hiccups to turn into full bloom sobbing screams. As she immediately started running. Her family had taught her to never trust strangers that made her feel scared no matter how they looked , and if she met such a person she was to immediately run. Call out for help if the place was filled with humans.

So she did just that but no one seemed to notice her screams causing her to keep her mouth shut but continue on running. What she did notice was that the man seemed to have been injured as he was limping to her.

If no one was around she had to immediately find a place to hide, unfortunately there seemed to only be trees around the surrounding area.

So she did what one of her brothers would do, she immediately picked up sand from the ground as the man caught up to her she throw it right at his face.

"Fuck my eyes” he screamed as he tried to rub the sand of his eyes. While he was doing that Anna immediately aimed for his no no with her head.

" Ahhhhhhhfuckhhhhh" the man collapsed as he put his hands on his no, no. ”You little bitch" he shouted.

As she was about to continue running she suddenly felt the world go round and then she was out.

"I told you he would be no help" one man wearing a mask said.

"But you have to admit it was entertaining to watch" the other man holding a gun with an Australian accent replied.

”Pick her up” the one wearing a mask told the Australian  ”who would have thought after failing to kidnap Frederick's girl we would stumble upon little miss runner”

"Let's hope she isn't the daughter of a powerful figure" the Australian man said.

"Let's hope, Mic let's hope"

They took the child and shot the man on the ground as they left. Not realising that after they sold Anna they would be caught and tortured in less than 2 weeks, their base of operations burned down and the death of their men in every place they were in and their slow and agonizing death.

They didn't know that, did they. Just like they didn't know that indeed the girl was related to very powerful figures, people they wouldn't even dream to touch. People they unfortunately made their enemy.

This is the first chapter and I hope you enjoyed it , to those who aren't sure I'll complete it don't worry I will I've already written down what I want to happen in each chapter what's left is how I'm going to write it. So updates will be once / twice a week.

Enjoy and sorry for the grammar mistakes 😘

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