♥ Alternate ending 1 ♥

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And then I was awake. 

Wait what?

I fully opened my eyes, glancing uneasily around the plain white room that smelled intensely of powder capsules and antiseptic cleaners. Wrinkling my nose at the smell, I tried to push my body upright, wincing at the jolts of pain that spread from my shoulders to my fingers and down my spine.

I let out a huff of frustration when suddenly the door was opened by a woman in light blue scrubs, her dark hair slicked back in a ponytail so tight it made my head hurt.

She glanced up from her clipboard, letting out a gasp of surprise when her gaze met my own. "Oh my gosh you're awake..." she muttered, shock evident in her features before she suddenly registered what was said. "She's awake! Doctor call her guardians, she's awake!"

I furrowed my eyebrows, my vocal cords just not having it right now. I wanted desperately to say something, ask the questions sprouting within my head. But I was physically unable to.

Pressing lightly on my throat, I jumped when the door burst open to an astonished doctor. "Thank goodness we didn't transfer her to the refrigerator," he sighed, the nurse nodding by his side in agreement. He plopped down on a rolling stool with a plastic covering on top of the red upholstery.

"Hello Ms. Yun. How are you doing?" He clicked the end of a pen before averting his gaze to me. I opened my mouth but hesitated. Why was nothing coming out? I pointed to my throat before gently rubbing it. 

"Ah Ms. Jung will you get our patient a glass of water?" he turned to the nurse who hurriedly left out the door and returned moments later, a paper cup in hand. I gratefully accepted it with what strength I had and drank the entire cup in one serving. 

Some strength returned to my body as I cleared my throat. "I-I'm okay. W-what happened?" I asked, rubbing my palms together in an attempt to calm my panicky heart.

"You don't remember?" He began scribbling things on his paper as he waited for my answer. 

"I- uh. Am I supposed to?"

He paused to look up and shake his head. "Ms. Yun, what can you remember?"

I reached into the back of my mind for anything but what was happening right now, unfortunately finding nothing but a blank slate. 

"I'm sorry I don't know anything."

He bit the bottom of his lip as Ms. Jung's expression changed to one of worry. "We must've been so confident she wouldn't make it we hadn't stopped to check the effects if she had made it..." she concluded silently. The doctor did nothing but stare at his clipboard, a deep exhale leaving his nose. 

"This could be a problem. Do you remember your name?"

"Ms. Yun?" 

A telephone started rapidly ringing as the doctor stood up, grabbing a few things from a counter on the opposite side of the room. Ms. Jung exited the room once more to subside the constant ringing of the telephone. 

The doctor returned to his stool, a small blue folder gripped tightly between his fingers. "Your name is Yun Y/n. 21 years old. Seven soulmates. Does any of this ring a bell?"

I shook my head slowly. I had an idea but seven soulmates? That was quite a lot.

Suddenly Ms. Jung re-entered the room, adding a silent knock on the door frame. "Ms. Yun has some visitors. Should I let them all in or just a few at a time?"

"Let them all in."

"Are you sur-"

"It's better for her. She might get a sudden comeback of her memories," the doctor finalized. I looked up from him once I heard a small gasp. I met seven worried, upset, guilty faces all staring back at me. Relief stretched across their faces before three of them quickly came to my side, holding my arms and pressing kisses on my forehead.

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