♥ forty four ♥

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I smiled as I set down my pencil. For once I didn't have a trouble with my designs. I was able to get two outfits for each of the boys sketched out and passed to the designers.

"Wah! Y/n you never cease to surprise me with you're sketches. These are great!" Nayeon collected them and smiled, handing them to the others who nodded and started work.

"Why do they have to start immediately? Its late," I asked as I picked up my bag.

"Oh they have to get the designs done by tomorrow evening because this Saturday the boys leave for their first stop on the tour," she shrugged. My shoulders sagged as I was once again reminded of the tour.

Of course. As soon as we got to work this morning it was nothing but work. Not even a single minute of free time.

I waved goodbye to the designers before heading over to Vai's work space. I knocked on her small cubicle, waiting for her to look up.

"Vai?" I asked when she didn't move. Immediately she snapped her head up, yawning.

"Huh? Y/n? Did you say something?" She asked, rubbing her sleepy eyes.

"Uh how long have you been working?" I asked, concerned.

She started picking up her stuff with half hooded eyes.

"I'm making up for the missed day of work," she said, shutting off the computer. The red flash of the power button illuminating her dark cubicle.

"It's pretty late Vai...you should head home now," I told her quietly.

She nodded her head and yawned again before slinging her bag over her shoulder.

I followed her silently to the elevator and stepped in after her. I nervously tapped my foot on the ground as I watched her.

She watched the bright red numbers slowly decrease through her narrow cat eyes.

I held a bubble in my mouth, practically terrified to even breath.

She rolled her eyes and shifted her gaze to me. Making me shiver under her cold stare.

"Y/n? I don't know why you're staring or...why you look constipated but you know you can say something right? Or breath if you feel like it?" she shrugged a shoulder, turning back to stare at the doors that just opened to the lobby floor.

"Uh yeah. How is everything? Like with you," I asked timidly, following her to the exit. She sighed before turning around.


"Vai!" We both turned, coming face to face with an older, foreign woman.

I squinted my eyes before gasping and looking between the two girls. Is that-?

"Yes mother? I'm on my way out. Please wait in the car as I finish up," she answered in monotone voice. The woman nodded, flashing me a fake smile before leaving out the double glass doors.

Vai turned to me and smiled softly.

"Don't worry about me Y/n. But...I can't stay here long," she pat my shoulders, turning to the door quickly. It was visible her mom was standing outside, glancing at her watch impatiently.

"Hey wait! What is that supposed to mean?" I asked, grabbing her wrist. She looked back with watery eyes, her normally hazel shimmer clouded over.

"Look Y/n. Just- don't reach out to me, dont talk to me, or get involved in anything to do with me. Got it? And tell Jungkook I quit," she muttered before pulling her wrist away and running out to get in her mom's car.

I stared after her, confusion clear in my creased features.

What just happened?

I clutched my bag as her car drove away. Does she not want to be my friend anymore?

No. Even if she didn't, she wouldn't just disappear and quit her job. She wouldn't leave Jungkook either. Her best friend?

Somethings wrong. This doesn't seem like Vai at all. Worried, I left the building and looked up. Lights were still on in different windows but the majority of the building was pitch black and empty.

I turned and started walking to the nearest bus stop. My car was at my apartment and I needed to get my clothes anyway.

However, halfway to the bus stop and I started getting an uneasy feeling.

Leave it to me to be the dumb main character and literally walk right into the danger.

Sighing I turned around and examined the dark street. I get I left work later than usual but seriously? Why was it this dark?

My phone ringing startled me as I fished through my purse. Grabbing ahold of it, I continued to walk to the bus stop while answering the call.

"Yeah Joon?" I answered as the bus stop came into view.

"Where are you?" He asked quickly.

"Uh the bus stop. Why?" I asked, sitting down on the cool, cream colored bench.

"Y/n! Stay there alright?" He ordered.

"Joon the bus is coming right now. I see it down the street. It's fine alright? I'll be home soon," I answered before hanging up and slipping the small device back into my purse.

I paid for a ticket and moved to the very back of the bus. I took a seat by the window and set down my purse in the seat next to me in an attempt to sit alone.

As the bus started again I noticed there was only one other person on the bus.

He was a grimy looking man, about mid 30's and rather dirty looking. His ears were pierced and his teeth surprisingly white as he flashed a smile at me.

Wrinkling my face in disgust I looked away from the man and out the window.

It shouldn't be a very long trip but being on the same bus as the man was rather disturbing and uncomfortable. Definitely not my cup of tea to ride the bus.

Everything wad fine until about 2 minutes away from my stop. The man tapped my shoulder, pulling me from my staring contest with my reflection in the window.

Turning I smiled forcefully at the man and held onto my purse.


"May I sit here?" He pointed to the seat next to me.

.⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.

Another cliffhanger sorry! Also please join the 10k challenge for your chance to be in the story!

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