♥ seventy four ♥

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I practically sprinted down the sidewalk, only slowing down when Nayeon would stop to catch her breath.

Maybe she had great style but her stamina sucked.

Finally we reached the hotel and I collapsed in a chair in the lobby immediately. The eiffel tower wasn't too far away but it was a good few blocks. And with all the weight on my arms, it made life so much harder. Maybe shopping truly is for the more experienced.

"Y/n?" I turned and saw Yoongi coming out from the elevator. Immediately I jumped up and ran into his arms, breathing harshly. Nayeon stumbled through the lobby doors, her hair now disheveled from running so fast and her makeup leaking from the sweat.

"What happened to you guys?" He asked, examining my face.

I shook my head, trying to catch my breath.

"Y/n what the heck was that?!" Nayeon practically had steam coming from her ears as I took a deep breath.

Clutching onto Yoongi's shirt tighter, I tried to explain but the panic was so strong, I felt winded.

Yoongi picked me up and carried me to the elevator as I quietly tried to calm my unnatural panic attack.

"Hyung? What happe-" Yoongi cut off Namjoon by entering his room and sitting on the bed.

I crawled up onto his lap and buried my nose in his neck.

"Baby. Once you calm down I need you to tell me what happened," Yoongi mumbled, rubbing small circles on my back.


.⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.

"I'm gonna beat that rat's ass!" Jungkook fumed, his fists clenching from beside him.

"Woah calm down Kook." Taehyung pat his friends shoulder before turning back to Yoongi.

"So the guy she hates and is absolutely terrified of is coincidentally in Paris at the same time as us," Jin recapped. Yoongi nodded simply.

"That can't mean anything good," Namjoon pondered.

"Good?! That bitch is far from good I can assure you that." Jungkook was infuriated that the guy he had come to dislike so much was probably stalking his girlfriend and soulmate.

"Keep your cool Jungkookie. And watch your language," Jimin reprimanded the younger one.

"Like Jungkook said, this guy doesn't sound like good news at all. If what y/n said was true, Seojun has something out for her."

The others nodded silently, worried for their soulmates safety.

"We shouldn't let her out of our sights," Hoseok concluded.

"Yeah Hoseok hyung is right. One of us should at least be with her at all times," Namjoon agreed.

Yoongi, who had been silent the entire discussion, sat down on Jimin's bed with a quiet sigh.

"Hyung?" Taehyung called quietly.

"She looked so scared and...she was shaking," he held up his hands as if remembered the exact feeling.

"I've never been so worried in my life," he muttered, dropping his head into his hands.

"Ah hyung. Everything will be fine now. We'll increase security and give the guards a fairly accurate description of Seojun."

"His name tastes like lemons on my tongue," Jungkook dramatically complained, wrinkling his nose in distaste.

"Will you stop being so dramatic," Jin rolled his eyes. Huffing, Jungkook crossed his arms.

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