~Introduction~⚠️PLEASE READ ⚠️

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As the Grand daughter of The Third Hokage,Hiruzen Sarutobi,you were atleast the most skilled kunoichi in Konohagakure,(Village Hidden In the Leaves),(Y/n) Sarutobi.You have a younger brother,Konohamaru Sarutobi.

You were 14 years old when you joined the ANBU black ops,because you hade became a jonin at 12.Which now allowed you,as an 18 year old to become a sensei at the academy.You weren't teaching a specific team,but you were teaching close combat classes and katana classes.

You were very talented in those two areas,especially katana handling,which you had been practicing since the age of 8,so now it has been 10 years katana experience for you.

Your Katana was enveloped entirely in gold,with your name carved on the blade,as a gift from The Third Hokage.

You were a kind person and due to belonging to the Sarutobi clan,you were living a rich life getting all your necessary needs.You also sometimes visited the Konoha Orphanage to check how things were going.

Another reason you always visited the orphanage,was to see Nono Yakushi,a caretaker.You really really liked her,she was kind,caring and selfless,you thought of her as a mother,since you and your brother grew up without one.

- - - - How you met Kabuto Yakushi - - - -Age:6

"OI ALBINO MONKEY?!"You heard someone yell from the orphanage a distance away,and you knew exactly who they were directing it to,an orphane from the konoha orphanage,Kabuto.You felt bad for the him,so you decided to go help the helpless boy.

"Hey!Cut it out!"you yelled as you stepped infront of Kabuto who was trembling on the floor,and was supposedly pushed or hit by the two boys infront of him.You stood with your legs slightly out and fists cleched."What're you gonna do about it,girly?!"commented one of the boys.

The other boy pulled the other one that yelled in your face,back and whispered something in his ear,nonetheless you could still hear it."Shh..that girl is the Third Hokage's grand daughter..!He might do something to us..!".

'Oh my kami...Grandfather isn't a moster you know..?

With that,the two boys ran off to who knows where,leaving Kabuto surprised at the power you hold.You turned around and lent your hand to him,at first he hesitated but then eventually as he saw your heart melting close eyed smile, took it.

"T-thank you..uhm.."Kabuto spoke,than trailed off as he noticed he didn't know your name.

"(Y/n),(Y/n) Sarutobi,and you must Kabuto,right?"you said.

He nodded and began to fiddle with his fingers,not knowing what to say.

"(Y/n)!"yelled a man you were awfully too familiar with,Your Uncle,Asuma Sarutobi.

"Uhm..I guess it's time for me to go now,it was a pleasure meeting you Kabuto-san!"You said as you ran off to the door to the Hokage's building where Asuma was waiting for you with Konohamaru.

The Silvernette stared at you running,getting smaller and smaller,one of his few favourite sights to see through his lenses from now on,but if only he knew,he would be the one leaving you behind.

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