01.The Beginning Of The Everything

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Chaos...The king and the creater of the univerese...Lady Order...The queen of the Univerese...And there is Eklektos Ether Skyleks.The prince of Univerese.This is the story of his life...

That was just another normal day for the people of planet Chaos. But for the little prince Skyleks, it wasn't another normal day. Prince Skyleks was the one and only child of Chaos and Order. This royal family lived on the planet Chaos. All the people of the planet Chaos loved and respected the royal family. Especially to the little prince. Everyone called him Sky except his mother. Lady Order always called him Lex. And lady Order was the only one who had permission to call him lex. Even the king of the universe didn't have permission to call him Lex. So that day wasn't another day normal day for our little 3 years old cute prince. He was playing hide and seek with his father. After busy two weeks Chaos finally found a time for playing with his son. However, the hide and seek had turned into a runaway game. Sky was running away from his father as fast as he can. And the king of the universe was chasing his little son. Chaos had the world's biggest smile on his face. His eyes were filled in full of love for his son. The guards and servants were smiling at this little prince and his father. They all loved to hear the princes laughing.

After a few minutes, Chaos caught his son in his bedroom and started to tickle him."Daddy s-top....sto-p..." The prince was laughing so hard. "I'm the tickle monster. And I'm gonna take you to the tickle world. Ha ha ha..." Chaos said while laughing. He was so happy to spend time with his son.
"Well...well...look who's there." Lady Order came to the room with a smile on her face." mommy he...help...the tickle monster gon...gonna kidnapped me." Said sky while laughing. He had tears in his eyes because of laughing. "OMG...the tickle monster gonna kidnapped, my cute son. listen tickle monster I will never let you kidnap my son." Said Lady Order. And she grabbed a pillow and throw it at Chaos. then Chaos let Sky go and lay down on the floor with his eyes closed." Yay...mommy defeated the tickle monster..." Sky jumped into his mother's hands. Lady Order softly laughed and lay down in the bed with her little son. Chaos joined them. And the three of them fell asleep slowly.

A few days later...
Sky Was playing with his mother in their garden. Nothing was wrong...but suddenly they heard screaming. They didn't even know how it happened. Everything happened so fast. Lady Order covered Sky. Then they heard someone walking toward them.
"Oh...well...it has been a long time Order...isn't it?"
"What do you want End? Leave us alone."
"Oh...please you know what I want Order. Give your son to me. And I'll leave you all alone."
"That's not gonna happen."
"Don't make this hard... I'll give you one more chance."
"Ok...so you wanna do this that way then it's okay with me, dear 'sister'."
End's eyes started glowing with power. Lady Order was not about to give up. she'll protect her son. She promised it to herself when Sky was born. "Lex...my little prince...listen to me...whatever happens, don't forget this, always follow what your heart says...don't give up...And don't forget our song...I love you and I will be always there in your heart..." whispered lady order quickly. And then her eyes started to glow like Ends. Sky was scared. He didn't know what was happening. He saw the guards coming to them screaming. Then the last thing he saw was his mother and that man named End throwing a big glowing ball at each other. With sawing that he passed out.

Sky opened his eyes slowly to see his father. But he was shocked. Because his father was crying. The sky had never seen his father cry before. "Daddy, why are you crying? Where is mommy?"
"Sky......... I...- what is the last thing you remembered?" Chaos asked slowly.
"Huh? Oh, I remember a man bursting into our garden. And he looked like you. Then mommy and he started to fight. Then...then...I don't remember anything after that."
"My little prince...listen this will be hard to believe...but your mommy is dead." A tear fell on Chaos's face.
"No no no no...she is not she can't be. You're lying daddy. Mommy is not dead" sky started to cry.
"I - I'm sorry son...but she is dead." Chaos said.
And the father and the son cried together.

In the night when Sky was sleeping Chaos came to his room. He softly smiled at his son and whispered.
"Now you're the only thing I have, my prince. But I have to protect you. So don't hate me. I have no option. I have to do this."

Chaos picked up his son. And kissed the top of his head. Then Chaos used his power and appeared on Earth. The world that Greek gods live in. He found a young kind woman. And she's been dating Poseidon, the king of the sea. Chaos entered her house. she was sleeping. Then Chaos kissed his son's head again.
"I am sorry again. My little prince. I'm doing this to protect you. But one day I'll come back again. To that day from now on, you will be a son of Poseidon. And this woman, Sally Jackson will be your mother. And your name will be..........it will be..... Perseus...Perseus Jackson. Everyone will know your name. You will be a great hero. My son. I love you."With that Chaos disappeared into the air. Sky was sleeping with his new mother. In his memories, he is Perseus Jackson. His father is dead. And he has a stepfather named Gabe. And his life is a mess...

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