twenty six

244 9 1

"Thanks for coming over today," Ethan smiles, shoving his hands in his pockets.

"You don't have to thank me for coming over, E. I do it all the time," I laugh.

"Yeah, but it was nice," he sighs. "Just us, I mean. And- I mean I've thought about kissing you like that since I met you so there's that too."

"Dork," I push his arm as we approach my house. "You know," I take a deep breath and stare up at the dark house. "It's a lot scarier looking when the lights are out, isn't it?"

"A little," Ethan admits, taking a step closer to me. When his foot touches the grass, his eyes glaze over with a white film and he grabs onto a tree nearby. In seconds, the film disappears and he lets go of the tree.

"What'd you see?" I ask, turning my face away.

"The same thing I always see," he answers. "Just a little less this time."

"Less?" I ask, turning to face him. "What do you mean by less?"

"It was kinda blurry," Ethan admits. "Sort of like somebody trying to read something without their glasses on."

Ethan gets a vision every time he's in my yard. It's the same thing every time sometimes it's just more detailed and other times it is vague. Every time he explains it, there's a girl in a flowing white dress.

I sigh, staring at my house again and thinking. "Ethan, do you think - I'm blocking your powers somehow?"

"What?" he asks, reaching out and taking my hand. "No-No. How could you be?"

"Well,  you can't see anything about me when you touch me. And if your visions are getting blurry whenever I'm around you," I say. "Maybe, I'm cutting you off somehow."

"I doubt it," Ethan shakes his head. "And so what if you are?"

"So what?" I repeat. "Ethan, you could lose your connection with all the supernatural bullshit that happens here. I mean, that's like the main thing you do."

"You're more important," he replies, squeezing my hand.

"You're sweet, but I'm-"

He cuts me off by gently pressing his lips against my own, creating a perfect seal that my words can't break through. "If being with you means I lose my powers, then so be it."

"That's gotta be the cheesiest thing you've ever said to me," I shake my head.

"You say that about everything I say," he shoves his hands in his pockets and kicks the grass.

"Yeah, I know," I kiss his cheek before walking to the house. "Thanks for walking me. I'll see you tomorrow, E."

"I'll see you tomorrow, Caitie," he says, turning on his heels and walking back toward his house.

My house is quiet when I walk through the front door. My shoes make the floorboards creak a little and the glow of streetlights outside cast scary shadows over everything. I hate it here, especially at night. This place is just a house, not a home.

(A.N. this house is not a homeee without my babyyyyy🕺 where are you now when I need you most? -the weeknd)

I quickly make my way to the bathroom and flip the light on. She is looking back at me, arms crossed.

"Drop the loser," she starts to pout and stomps her foot. "He's so icky."

"He's kind," I argue, barely even looking at her. "And he's smart. And funny. And polite. And he gets me."

"Well, he doesn't know you better than me," my reflection retorts.

"You don't know the first thing about me," I shake my head.

"Oh, but I am you," she says, leaning toward the mirror.

I quickly splash water on the mirror and wipe my hand over it. To my luck, it makes her image melt away and I step out into the hallway to finish brushing my teeth.


Hey y'all!

Sorry this chapter was shorter than others have been in the past. To be honest, I've just been working on other projects right now and this story just sort of took a back burner.

I hope to finish it soon though so looking forward to that!

I love you and I hope you have an amazing day or night or lunch break (whenever you're reading this)!

Personally, it's my bedtime so sweet dreams!


blindspot // ethan morgan [ON HOLD]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant