<twenty three>

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I woke up late, my body tired and my head spinning. It felt like my soul was in several different places all at once. But duty called and I quickly got ready for school and hopped on my bike.

"Somebody running late?" Benny joked as I quickly locked my bike up next to his.

"I couldn't sleep," I admit. "Instead of sugar plums and fairies, I saw vampires and dead Erica."

"Went for counting fangs instead of sheep, huh?" Benny joked. I glared at him and he quickly gave me an apologetic smile, "Too soon?"

"Yes, Benjamin," I groaned. "Way too soon."

He laughed quietly before lifting his head up and looking over my shoulder. "Uh- Caitie," he pointed. I quickly turned around, and in just enough time to dodge Ethan as he pulled his bike up next to mine.

"You're even later than me, Angelface," I joked, ruffling his hair. His cheeks turned red and I had to stick my tongue in my cheek to hold back laughter.

"No, not him," Benny said, interrupting my flirting. "That." He pointed farther beyond me to the group of students walking toward the school.

"It's Jesse," I realized. "And-"

"Erica," Ethan cut me off. "She's alive."

"How alive could she really be?" I asked as they got closer. "I watched half the blood in her body spill onto Jesse's floor."

"Is that Rory?" Benny asked, the vivid image of Erica falling to the ground playing over and over in my mind.

The blonde boy next to Erica looked familiar, but he didn't look like Rory. As they got even closer, he paused to look at us. He pulled his sunglasses down and winked, giving us a thumbs up. "Yeah," Ethan nodded. "That's Rory."

"I-" my breath hitched. "This is my fault. I-I'm so sorry."

"No," Ethan shook his head, grabbing my hand. "It's not your fault."

"Dude,  we need to do something about Jesse," Benny interjected. "Before he sinks his fangs in anybody else."

"Anybody know how to kill a vampire?" I asked, looking between Ethan and Benny.

"Have you seen any movie ever, Caitlyn?" Benny scoffed. "Of course I know how to kill a vampire."

"Holy water-" Ethan said as Benny said. "Stake to the heart."

"You idiot!" Benny yelled. "Holy water?"

"Yeah, it burns straight through them. They're entire existence is like the ultimate sin," Ethan defended himself.

"Oh, glad to hear all vampires are Christians," Benny argued. "Do you think they pray to Jesus Christ before or after they've drained their blood bags?"

"Oh yeah, well I'd like to see you try to drive a stake through a vampire's heart," Ethan retorted. "You'd die if you got within 15 feet of one, there's no way you'd get close enough to stake one and live to tell the tale."

"Jesus Christ," I groaned, picking up Benny's backpack and shoving it into his chest. "Would you two shut up and get to class? And maybe try to act normal? Keep the vampire talk to a minimum while we're in public yeah?"

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