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"Caitlyn!" Sarah shrieks, wrapping her arms around me. She cracks my back before letting me go. "You're here."

"Hi?" I reply, looking over her shoulder at Ethan. He shrugs. Benny cuts in and pulls me away from Sarah.

"We need to talk," he says lowly.

"Ben-" I start before he yanks my arm, leading me around the school. I start following him willingly, my arm hurting. "Benny, what is going on?"

He stops walking and stares down at me.

"Hello?" I wave my hand in front of his face.

"Spill it," he says eagerly, clapping his hands together. "Come on. Details. Ethan won't say anything in fear that you'll strangle him if he does."

"What?" I laugh. "There's nothing to spill."

"Funny," Benny glares. "That's exactly what Ethan said."

"Because it's true," I reply, disappointed. "Nothing happened. We didn't even kiss."

"What the fuc-"

"Benny!" I smack his arm. "Would you just chill out? Okay it's fine."

"Noooo my god Caitlyn!" He groans, pulling his hair. "I need this to happen so that I don't have to hear 'Ugh Benny, why won't Ethan just make a move already?' and 'Gee Benny, I sure wish I had the nerve to just make a move on Caitie already. She's so pretty.' every day.".

"He says I'm pretty?" I smile.

"Fuck you," Benny says, turning on his heels and waving his hand at me.

"Oh come on Ben!" I laugh, following him.

"Evidently it is going to take a bulldozer to push you two together," Benny sighs, walking faster and making it harder for me to keep up.


Benny's P.O.V.

"B-B-B-" I cut her off. "Listen, I said what I said to you. Now, it's Ethan's turn."

"What?" She stares at me with a shocked expression. God helps us all.

"You know, for being such a flirt, you think you'd be able to pick up a hint," I pinch the bridge of my nose. "Look, I need to go tell Ethan pretty much exactly what I told you so that maybe, just MAYBE, somebody will grow a pair. You've already told each other you like each other. Just date already."

"Someone is eager," Caitlyn laughs, crossing her arms.

"I've been listening to BOTH of your unrelationship-relationship problems for a year now," I groan. "I'm ready for this shit to get going."

"Okay, okay," Caitlyn puts her hands up in surrender. "But Ethan won't make a move, you know he won't."

"Yes! I'm aware!" I shout before turning around and rushing away. She doesn't try to follow me this time and I quickly find Ethan. He is propped up against his locker, talking with Sarah. I ram my hand against his shoulder and pin him against the locker. "You-" I point in his face. "Need to make a serious move on Caitlyn-" I point back to the direction I came from. "Or so help me I will murder you both."

Ethan nods, "Yes sir."

"I mean it," I glare before letting him go.

"But what do I do?" Ethan asks, holding his arm out. "I mean- I barely even asked her out."

"Jesus Christ!" I grab his shoulders and shake him. "Do SOMETHING! You lovestruck idiots! My GOD IT'S LIKE BABYSITTING TODDLERS!"

"Been there, done that," Sarah shakes her head. "Not great. Didn't pay well either."

I stop shaking Ethan and give her a sideways look. I let Ethan go and start walking to my homeroom.

"Where are you going?" Ethan calls after me.

"I quit," I reply, turning into the classroom.

I never thought that I would have to be the one pushing this relationship. The way they look at each other, the way the talk to each other, it's disgusting how in love they are. And I, Benjamin Reginald Weir, the third wheel best friend, the wizard, the comedic relief, am the one that has to point it out. Stupid teenagers.

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