Chapter 16: Mae Kazimi

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Chapter 16: Mae Kazimi

"Mae stop fumbling around, please," Avery snaps angrily, wiping the smudged lipstick from the bottom corner of my mouth. "And stop shaking, what is wrong with you?"

I clear my throat, my fingers nimbly feeling for the knives hidden away in my clothes. I feel their cool steel hilts, making sure they are where they are supposed to be.

"It's a talent show for fuck's sake," Avery scolds me again.

All the participants were allowed to bring one family member backstage to help them prepare for the big talent show. The big talent show that is happening right now and at this very moment and I am next.

I tug my black top nervously. I'm not scared, obviously. It would be stupid to be scared.

I'm terrified.

Not because of the talent show, of course. No, not at all. But because I spied Alek Russo in the crowd. He shamelessly sits at the front and very centre, legs sprawled out, hair in a wicked mess and eyes gleaming.

Like a monster waiting for its next victim.

"I quit," I hiss as the audience claps and screams for the contestant before me as he finishes his act. "I am leaving."

Avery's jaw drops, "You will be doing no such thing, young lady. Get on that stage before I drag you onto it by the hair and make a spectacle you will never be able to live down. You choose."

"I can't," I whisper loudly into her ear as my name is announced. "Just trust me this one time, please–"

Avery reaches out to grab my hair but I swat her hand away, shoving her towards the stage instead.

"What?" she asks in annoyance. "Who am I supposed to look at? Where's the big bad monster waiting to eat you alive and...oh. Ooooh. Oooooh. Oh. My. God. Oh my God. Oh my God?"

She swings back, hair hitting my face as she looks at me, a hand over her mouth, "Mae, what? How? How is he alive? What?"

I shake my head because I am not sure of the entire story either. It makes no sense, but at the same kind of does. Khari is definitely working with whoever did this to Alek, he has to be. There is no way he managed everything himself. But now, I have to find out who he's working with. But at least I know Khari is involved and I no longer have to search for Alek's body.... "Avery, what the hell do I do?"

She looks at me with actual pity, "Mae, the crowd is like...waiting for you so..."

I open my mouth to retaliate but she shoves me forward. I almost trip on my feet as I am pushed in front of the crowd that begins to clap slowly at the sight of my face.

"Hello," I smile as wide as I can. "My name is Mae Kazimi and for this year's talent show, I will be throwing knives."

The crowd oohs and aahs. And while they do that, my eyes land on Alek who casually smiles in my direction.

It's a dangerous smile. And there's a deadly glint in his eyes.

Oh no. Oh no no.

My eyes land on my family next. They continue to pretend the fight we had last week never happened and are clapping with bright smiles on their faces, continuing to put on the stupid 'perfect family' charade.

It's complete bullshit.

The targets as I had requested earlier comes onto the stage. They are placed all around me, some high, some low. I walk to the centre of the stage, eyes going back to Alek, my body facing the crowd.

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