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Quinn decided to go for the most basic costume: an angel. Aria matched with her, wearing a blue two piece. Quinn a white dress with a pink corset. The wings and halos got annoying pretty quickly, though, so they just ended up being two girls in fancy clothes for Halloween.

"Have you seen Mason? He showed up but he's been gone all night," Miguel asked Quinn. Little did Quinn know, he knew exactly where Mason was.

No, this wasn't some weird plan Mason had put together, Mason knew nothing about it. The rest of the group, who'd been promptly filled in about the two's feelings, had put it together. Brady had to apologise to Miguel, since he'd denied that they'd get together at first.

"No, I actually haven't seen him at all," Quinn said.

"Help us look for him."

"Are you kidding? This place is huge."

"I know, that's why we're splitting up. We're like the mystery gang from Scooby Doo."

"Alright, alright, I'll go upstairs."

Quinn headed upstairs, squeezing past the people who, for some reason, were gathered on them. It was even worse upstairs that downstairs. If Mason was somewhere in this crowd, she definitely wouldn't spot him.

The air reeked of alcohol, which was weird considering it was a non-alcoholic party. People always found ways to sneak it in, though.

She finally made it out of the huge crowd, to a less crowded room. Mason wasn't in there, but Tyler was. She quickly ran out, hoping he didn't see her and wondering why he'd been invited, and who invited him.

She looked around all of the rooms for a while to no avail. Eventually, she'd saw him in the corner of one of the rooms, speaking to a girl. She blonde haired, blue eyes, fair skinned. Typical of Quinn to get jealous of someone like her, the total opposite of what she was. She stormed out of the room with tears in her eyes, finally finding an empty room to sit in.

The room had a couch, which she sat on, hoping no one else would come in for at least ten minutes so she could get some alone time. Her hopes were crushed the second she picked up a phone, which rang out with a call from Miguel.

"Have you found him?" He asked.

"No," Quinn lied, "I'm sat in the empty room upstairs, my head hurts. I need ten minutes before I keep looking."


She put the phone down and lay her head on the arm of the couch. She got about a minute of quiet before she was interrupted yet again, this time by the door opening.

She braced herself to see some drunk walking in, or a couple looking for somewhere to, well, you know. Instead, she saw Mason. "Everyone's looking for you," she told him, sitting up and making room on the couch for him.

"I figured," he said, sitting down.

"Who was that girl?" Quinn asked. Mason gave her a confused look, "The blonde."

"Oh, I don't know. She was kind of drunk, just chatting BS. She was nice, though."

"I bet."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing. I just bet she was nice. You wouldn't talk to someone who wasn't nice."

"Are you alright?"

"I'm fine."

"You don't sound fine."

"I'm fine, Mason. Really."

Quinn put her hand on Mason's knee in reassurance, and he nodded. She lied. She wasn't fine. She was jealous. She believed Mason when he said he'd only been talking to the girl, but she still got jealous.

She was really pretty. What if she came back? Not to mention she was the total opposite of her. What if Quinn wasn't his type? Mason stared at Quinn. "What?" She asked.

"Nothing," he said. He stopped for a minute, as if he was contemplating whether or not to say what he was thinking, "You just look hot."

"I'm not even dressed up."

"So? The dress is, like, wow."

Quinn didn't think. She cupped his face with her hand and pressed her lips to his. Mason was taken by surprise, but leaned into the kiss and placed a hand on her waist. When they came up for air and Quinn opened her eyes, realisation of what she'd done hit her.

She quickly ran out of the room, and out of the house, Brady attempting to stop her on the way out, but to no avail. Brady figured out what must have happened pretty quickly, and wondered how he always got himself caught in the middle of other people's love confessions.

He ran upstairs to the room he'd seen Quinn run of of, as Evelyn, who'd also seen what happened, ran after her.

He found Mason in there and his suspicions were confirmed. Mason didn't even seem upset at her suddenly running away. Instead, he sat with a smile on his face. "She's just so beautiful," he said, as Beady sat next to him.

"She did look pretty majestic as she ran out. Like something out of a fantasy movie," Brady said, "Are you okay, though?"

"Yeah. I should probably be upset that she ran away, but. She kissed me, Brady. I know it was just a heat of the moment thing, but-"

"It wasn't."


"She likes you, Mason. She told Tatum."

Without another word, Mason ran out, too, finding Evelyn at the entrance of the house. Outside the house was a forest of sorts. "You won't find her in there," Evelyn said, "It's dark, and she ran fast."

"I have to try."

Mason walked into the forest and begin to look for Quinn.

𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐋𝐈𝐂𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐃 • Mason ThamesWhere stories live. Discover now