16. A Broken Heart.

Start from the beginning

Xiao Zhan didn't said anything in response he was just looking at yuan blankly. and watching that yuan sighed as he took Zhan's hand ones again but this time Zhan didn't retract his hand back. Yuan with a soft voice and teary eyes spoke "sean ge. I know you loves me so much and you was jealous. But I promise I'll soon clear everything so we can get together back. And then you can get free from this unwanted marriage and divorce yibo. Please trust me."

This was it and yibo who was hearing a long conversation and the rantings of lizard with a heavy chest and fast heartbeats of feeling scared to know further at his last phrase yibo's mind black out. he got up from his seat he don't want to hear anything else. he needed some fresh air to breathe he felt suffocating and lost of breath in his lungs.

He rushed out of the cafe and run away from there as long as he can go without bothering about his waist pain as only one thing he was thinking right away was to get out from here. far away so no one can see him.

He running on the busy streets and traffic lights and sound of vehicles and cars but all he can hear was those some words spoken by yuan. he couldn't able to make a sense of those words. No yibo isn't a stupid not to understand what that lizard was saying and what he meant. But the words were something like made yibo's whole castle of dream to shatter into pieces in no time.

he didn't know that by how much courage, how much with love he made that castle in the picture of him with his husband can broke like this in just a few seconds of words. He felt the castle was really made up of glass as the castle didn't have that much strong enough base that it didn't take a time to broke into pieces.

And it was not only the sound of castle breaking was heard it was sound of yibo's heart too which was now broken into thousands of pieces that he wonder how he would be able to collect them back again and join by tapes but even if he will join those pieces how he will able to hide those cracks & broken lines traces which was left? he don't know about that anymore he only know one thing that all he has left is A Broken Heart.

Yibo stopped at sudden place after running around 15 minutes standing inside the garden near the lake he was used to come when he was teenager and was feeling sad. but now when he is here he is not sad but he is just lost.

He fell on his knees he buried his face into his hands and just was silent no tears not shouting just seating there helplessly. he slowly took out his hands and watched the lake which was very calm he suddenly clutched hard on his chest as it was hurting like hell. On his face there wasn't any expressions. he was blank totally blank. No emotions will be visible on his face.

He was just trying to stop the pain he was feeling in his chest by squeezing it hardly as tightly he can but wasn't helping a bit the pain was growing more and more by passing seconds. he was feeling like dying as he couldn't able to breath. those words which was echoing through his mind was making his heart bleed.

"sean ge. I know you loves me so much"

"so we can get together back."

"and then you can get free from this
unwanted marriage and divorce yibo."

"STOP!" Shouted yibo loudly breaking the long silence which was going within himself. and finally a lone tear slipped through his eyes down to his cheeks and mumbled yibo wailing helplessly.

"p-please.. s-stop.. i-it h-hurts" he spoke as tears roll down his brown orbs like a river as he hit his chest hardly by his small fist indicating the silent lake where it hurts.

suddenly he laughed and started to laugh like a crazy man. then suddenly he started crying with a crazy laughs. and spoke loudly while looking at lake "WHY! JUST WHY" he harshly wiped his tears as getting eyes blurry but it was no use because the tears wasn't listing to him and flowing like river.

He sobbed as he immediately get up and picked up so many little stones near the lake and started to throw it in the lake as he asked "WHY ZHAN GE WHY?" he was continuesly throwing stones in a water while complaining the non existence thing an answer of his question.

Finally feeling tried by the activity he fell on his knees and looked at his hand and laughed as he saw the blood oozing out of it by his previous actions. he looked at the red flow of blood through his plam and asked "why I'm not feeling pain here Zhan ge?" as he touched the wound in his hand and starred at it.

The pain of his heart was this much stronger that he don't even feeling other pain besides the throbbing pain in his chest. he ignored his wound in his hand and took out his phone and called someone who picked call in just 3 rings as he sobbed helplessly.

"g-ge.. I need you...please c-come soon. sob* i-it hurts"



2.3k Words 🦋

  I didn't expected to target will complete in less than 24 hours. Thank you so much guys for the love and support. 🥰❤

Hope you all liked the chapter. as finally the truth is in front of yibo! What you guys think yibo will do now?

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