Chapter Sixty-Two: Sitting Ducks

Start from the beginning

"What have we got?" Al checked as he shadowed the limping man over to his desk after sending Antonio off on an errand to the Break Room.
"The fifteen M67s in the desk drawer are stable for now.  There's no trip wires.  The base of the drawer has been weakened, to make it collapse, but there's no certainty when that might happen," Jay quickly shared the intel he had gathered.
"So how come they can't walk out like you just did?" Kevin wondered, his puzzlement obvious.
"I can't find anything but King may have set something up," Jay stated unhappily, they were still relying on guesswork, "chances are it would be safe but ....,"
"Yeah," Kevin understood all too well, "best not put the theory to the test."
"Wise call," Al declared as Antonio came over and deposited the requested items in front of Jay, "take some meds before you go back in.  You need to be able to function."
"I'm fine," Jay refused, the thought of pain relief was tempting but he needed his wits about him.
"It wasn't a request," Al stated firmly as he pulled the tab on the can of Fanta after shaking two tablets out of the small yellow bottle, "you're their best hope so do what I say."
"But ...,"
"Hell man if you're in too nuch pain you won't be able to think straight," Antonio pointed out as he ripped the wrapping from the Mars bar and held it out to his pale friend.
"We're wasting time," Al commented in rebuke.
"Damn," Jay picked up the tablets and popped them in his mouth before taking a healthy swallow of soda, "you lot are stubborn!"
"Says the most stubborn guy in the Unit," Kevin rolled his eyes in exasperation as the other man began to eat the chocolate bar.

"So how can King activate the grenades without being here in person?" Antonio got down to the dilemma they were dealing with.
"Any ideas?' Jay looked to Al for guidance, hoping he had more knowledge than he did of the particular weapons in question.
"There aren't many ways to do it," the moustached man explained, "the grenades falling might do it, at least if some of them landed in such a way as to loosen the pin."
"But what about removing the safety clips and releasing the levers?"
"Might happen in the fall,  the grenades would hit against each other."
"Wouldn't that set them off anyway?" Antonio checked.
"Not necessarily.  They're pretty stable once the pins are in."
"So how would King set them off remotely?" Kevin looked at the pair of ex-Rangers for enlightenment.
"You don't think ....," Jay began,  putting down the near empty soda can and straightening in his chair.
"What?" Antonio demanded.
"About the only way to do it, " Al addressed the seated man, unintentionally cryptically.
"What?" Kevin didn’t bother hiding his annoyance at the vague exchange between the former military pair.
"Dammit!  I should have realized  ......,," Jay rose momentarily forgetting his leg and quickly catching his balance thanks to Als' perfectly timed assistance, "King would use that."
"That's it! Tell us what you're talking about," Antonio raised his voice in frustration.
"The way to set off the grenades remotely would be with a Sniper shot ," Al elucidated while eyeing Jay assessingly, "I can go in there. ... "
"I gave my word."
"You look like hell."
"Compliments won't get you anywhere," Jay half grinned as he eyed the office, "Bomb Squad should be here any minute.  You get everyone out."
"You just worry about yourself," Al ordered as he walked beside the limping man after he nodded to the others, prolonfed farewells were never put into practise at times like this.

Stopping outside the office door Al caught Voights' eye through the blinds. A wordless conversation took place that was the trademark of a decades' long friendship.  For his part Al assured the others would be okay. Voight in turn assured he would do all he could to protect their youngest, no matter how impossible it seemed.  Al turned to Jay.

"The minute you get close to the window he'll know his time is up."
"I can't do a visual inspection to check if he rigged the blinds without getting close.  I'll take photos from inside the door and zoom.   Hopefully he won't be able to see too far into the office.  I'll send the photos to Mouse to work his magic."
"I"ll give him a heads up," Al was certain he wasn't the only one who had noticed the IT Specialist had not spoken to Jay when he exited the office.
"You tell him whatever happens is on King."
"You can tell him yourself.  Hate to spoil Kings' day but he deserves it."
"You admitting this Ranger is better than you?" the auburn haired man chided.
"Never," Al smirked before adding solemnly, "King wants an end game. We get this sorted and finish it."
"Just like that?" Jay shook his head at the older mans' over simplification of the challenge they faced.
"Have to think positive," Al shrugged, his usual nonchalance evident.
"Never knew you were into motivational talks," the younger man was grateful for the teasing, a brief respite from what he was heading into.

Antonio and Kevin watched the brief   exchange from the other end of the open plan area,  understanding that the words spoken out  loud  were underlined with a more serious import.  The light hearted banter was a familiar way to assure the other that no matter how things unfolded each had done his duty and accepted what  was about to transpire.   Kevin sighed.   Knowing a friend was willingly walking into a life or death situation was never easy, no matter how many times one had to stand by and watch.   One of these days after all the outcone was going to be gut wrenching for the fates decreed death could not he denied forever.  He fervently hoped that  this time  fate sided with Jay, yet again ....


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