Great War 1

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Long ago, at the start of the Great War where everyone Devils, Angels and Fallen Angels have gone into a three way war against each other and humans were caught in all of this.

Humans with their puny Arcane Magic isnt enough to save them from being caught in the crossfire, which one said crossfires caught a human woman therfore she got out of that with a lightspear in her stomach.

"N-No this cant be happening... Makima..." there stood was the woman's husband, Issei Hyoudou
with his rake as he was a farmer but when he saw his wife almost at Death's door he dropped his tools and ran to her rescue.

It was unbearable, Issei saw his wife his Pregnant wife being skewered by a lightspear and their child... dead and out of her stomach as the pointy end of the spear made the unborn child being crucified by it.

"You monsters... my wife, my unborn child you will pay..." the ground began to quake, the hatred in the man intensified by unimaginable margin.

The Arcane in Issei Hyoudou began awakening and on a active state, more and more arcanum were being created in the man's body.

"Is..Issei...." a hand cupped his cheeks, as he saw his wife Makima with tears flowing down her eyes. "Y-You cant die, our child... i need you both." he said, his voice shaking.

"I just wa-wanna s...say... something i... die, Issei... you are the best husband any... any woman could ask... for..." she wiped the tears flowing down Issei's cheeks.

"If... ever we met again, on another era, on another time... on... another life...." she coughs out blood and looks at Issei for the last time and smiled. "I will always love you..." her hands goes limp, as she soon lose the life in her eyes and died right there.

"Makima... wake up!" Issei shouts were blood curdling, pain was ever evident in his voice. "I'm not ready to let you go yet! you said were forever! that not even death can seperate us please wake up!" he began punching the ground.

The ground breaks from his punches...

Issei Hyoudou's Arcanum has been tainted by his wrath, it goes into an unstable state the more his hatred ooze out of him.

"I will kill whoever you are! i will hunt you down!" black marking began to appear on the man's body, "I will have my vengeance, no one will stop me! i will severe your heads from your bodies!" red and black arcanum began to burst out of him like a tsunami as everyone in the battlefield felt his presence.

His transformation was finished
there stood Issei Hyoudou with marking all over his body and face, with another set of eyes on his cheeks just below his original eyes.

"ARGHHHHHHHHHHH" the whole area around him was sliced, no not just as area but almost to the width of a whole city was sliced into bits by some invisible blades.


Over on the battlefield, the three species continued fighting as humans below them were caught and died, even though angels tried their best to save some of them they could save all.

"Lucifer! this had gone long enough just surrender brother and father may forgive you for this." Micheal said in anguish, he couldn't save his brother once so he'll try his best to convince him now.

"Forget it brother! I will not submit to that man's will, i have my own free will to do as i please. I am no ones follower." Lucifer the Pride, said to his brother denying his father's will.

"Please! we could create things together! just like back then, I would help you create your favourite ducks!, you're a dreamer brother so please..." a single tear falls down Lucifer's eyes.

"No... I may have been once, but not anymore my people needs me more than anything." he spat out, he truly wanted to save those sinners. "Brother please, father will lis-" Micheal tried but was stopped by Lucifer.

"He wont! He didn't listen to me the first time, why would he listen now!" His flaming sword was aimed for Micheal's neck but was evaded as they began clashing with their blades. "Arm yourself this a war!" Micheal was thrown into a mountain, when he was embedded into said mountain.

As he was looking above, he saw Kokabiel throwing a lightspear at a village of humans. "No you fool! stop kokabiel!" when Lucifer heard that, he tried shooting Kokabiel away with his devil spells but that was in vain since the spear already speeds up to said direction.

Azrael being the closest with the humans felt angered, as he rushed at Kokabiel and began pummeling the elf looking fallen angel with all his might as punishment for what he did. "You monster! they arent part of this! why did you do that you fool brother of mine!" punches upon punches as Kokabiel's face almost caved in from all the holy imbued punches he received from the Angel of Death.

"Hahaha! this is a war you idiots nothing is off limits those hairless apes God created are nothing but casualties of war! hahaha!" it infuriated Azreal as he pummeled Kokabiel more and more, he didn't care even if his knuckles are bleeding from him giving the assault to his insane brother.

"No... so much casualties..." Gabriel the most innocent among the seraphs could only watch in sadness at the dead bodies of humans that got caught in Kokabiel's array of spears.

"You murd-" she was about to say something when a loud roar interrupted her. "ARGHHHHHH!" malice, killing intent of one person began to cover the whole battlefield stopping them from their skirmish.

Suddenly a huge pillar of malicious arcanum shuts off to the sky and split the darkened sky in two as they all felt dreadful from the malice one person could dish out.

"What this..." Metatron searched the area, but suddenly a cut severed his arm, when he felt that he took initiative and flew up to avoid any more damage than he already has.

Before more bodies was sliced in the battlefield, they all heard one word that echoed.


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