Clueless (Law x reader)

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This is a requested story from @thunderlucciplayz.

Third Person POV:

'Where has she gone off to now? Right when I need to talk to her, she disappears. At least it gives me time to go over what I'm gonna say.' Law thought to himself.

"Captain? Are you ok?" Penguin asked, catching his captain's attention.  Law stopped in his tracks and turned around to see his three top crew members staring at him curiously.

"I'm fine. Where's (y/n)? I need to talk to her." Law asked looking past them for (y/n).

"I haven't seen her all day. She's probably in her room. what's up? Did she piss you off?" Shachi asked. Everyone knew not to piss Law off. That was the first thing they learned being on this crew, and most of the time they had to find out the hard way.

"No, I just need to talk to her," Law replied heading in the direction of (y/n)'s room.

"Ooo." Shachi and Penguin cooed quietly to each other.

The crew was quite fond of (y/n), especially Law, but it took him a while to understand why. She never laughed despite a small "Hah" here or there and it worried her crewmates.

Everyone was worried for her. Worried about what she has gone through to make her like that. They do everything they can to try and make her laugh for real but to no avail.

Law took to (y/n) quite quickly. The things he feels toward her are something foreign to him, so it took him a while to figure out what he felt toward her. He loves her, but he can't find the words to tell her.

Laws POV:

Should I just come out and say it? Do I beat around the bush and hope she gets the hints? Why am I overthinking? Why am I so nervous? Normally I can assess a situation and create a plan in seconds, but now I have no idea what to do.

Before I could come up with a plan, I arrived at (y/n)-ya's room. I hesitate before knocking on her door.

"Who is it?" She asked. So, she is in her room. Part of me wished she wasn't so I would have more time to think. Maybe I could just walk away and do it later.

I must have taken too long to answer because her door opened, and she looked at me with an annoyed look.

"What's up captain?" She asked.

"Don't look too irritated to see me. I need to talk to you."

She moved aside and invited me into her room.

(y/n) POV:

After Law entered my room, I closed my door and sat at my desk. Law looked around my room. He has never been in here, so he probably just wants to expect it and make sure it's up to code. Is there such a code for pirates to have organized rooms?

Why am I so nervous? I've always been quite nervous around him, but I don't know why. Maybe it's because he's my captain and very scary. No. Someone's title doesn't scare me, and I've met other scary people in my life that have had no effect on me. It's just him I'm nervous around. I feel different around him and I don't know why.

He sat down on my bed facing me. So, it's a serious talk then. Oh no. What did I do? He sat there looking at his feet for a few minutes completely silent. Oh god, I really pissed him off. I've never seen him like this. I really screwed up. What did I even do?

"Law I-"

"Don't. I know you think I'm probably mad at you, but I'm not. It's the exact opposite." Law said finally looking at me.

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