The Price For Freedom (Smoker x reader)

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Well shit. I let my guard down and got caught by the navy. This is so embarrassing. If the crew found out, I would never here the end of it. I especially don't want Luffy to make fun of me. I have to get out of here.

Just then I hear the door open and a tall man with light blue-green hair, and 2 cigars hanging from his mouth walked in the room. I know him. It's vice admiral Smoker. Shit. Now I am really screwed.

"(y/n) of the Straw hats." He said as he sat down at the desk. The room was small. A bench on the back wall where I am sitting, and a desk facing me on the other side of the room. There are bookshelves and windows on the wall to the left of me, and just a door right by the bench on the right wall.

"Let me go. I'll do anything." I pleaded.

"Why should I? You are a pirate after all. With a bounty I might add. I am a navy vice admiral. It's my job to capture pirates." Damn. Why did I think this would be easy?

"Even if I am a pirate with a bounty, I wasn't doing anything. I was just walking. So please, just let me go. I won't cause any trouble. I'll seriously do anything." He smirked as if he got the best idea in the world.

"You know what, (y/n). I'm feeling nice today. I'll let you go, but it will cost you."

"Whatever it is. I will do it."

"I want your body." Did I hear that right? Is that even legal? Well either way, I don't see any other way out.

"Ok. I will give you my body in exchange for my freedom."

"Good. Come sit." Smoker pushed his chair back from his desk as he pointed at the top of his desk. I got up and walked around his desk until I was standing in front of him.

I sat down on his desk like he told me to and Smoker moved his chair back up to his desk.

"Can you take these off?" I asked lifting up my arms, causing my handcuffs to rattle.

"You know I can't do that (y/n)." He put his hands on my knees and slowly worked his way up towards the top of my pants. He put his fingers in the top pulling them down, and eventually slipped my pants off all the way.

"No underwear?" He asked with a smug look.

"They are uncomfortable." Smoker put 2 of his fingers in his mouth. He then put them on me tracing down towards my hole, and slipping them in. He took them out and put his fingers into my mouth.

He stood up and unzipped his pants. Smoker slowly lowered the top of his underwear, slowly revealing his hard dick, until it finally flung up.

Smoker held down his dick and inserted it into me, going gently. He leans into me causing me to lean back a little bit. He wrapped one arm around my waist pulling me close to him. He put his other hand on the desk behind me, for support.

He rocked back and forth starting slow, allowing me to get used to him, but he quickly sped up before I could. I buried my head into his neck.

I kept hearing things falling off the desk, as he started to thrust me harder.

"S-Smoker, I... i'm gonna c-cum." I struggled to say.

"Good. I won't allow you to leave until we both finish." I stated to let out soft moans into his neck.

I felt a sudden warmth inside of me as I cum.

Smoker stood up and put my pants on my lap, uncuffing me right after.

He backed away from the desk and put his dick away as I stood up and put my pants on.

"A deals a deal. You can go. The best way out is through the window, since we are on the first floor, and you won't run into anyone. Don't let your guard down, because next time won't be so easy for you."

I walked over to the window and opened it. "If there is a next time." I said right before jumping out.

I finally made it back to the ship. Everyone is here waiting for me.

"Where were you (y/n)?" Nami asked.

"I got lost." I lied.

"What? Are you Zoro or something?" Luffy mocked. There is nothing worse than Luffy making fun of you.

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