Persuasion (Ace x reader)

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Ow. My arm hurts, but why? Where am I? I open my eyes to see that I am in a forest. But how did I get here? As I look down, I can see my legs extended out in front of me. There is another pair of legs outside of mine. They look familiar. Where do I know them from?

I look around to see if I can see anything and gather information about what's going on. When I look up I can see a tree right behind me. So i'm leaning against it? Is that someone between me and the tree? When I look to the right I can see 2 backpacks, one of which is mine, and a bunch of first aid supplies. The other backpack looks familiar. So I definitely know this person, and they helped me out. Finally when I look to my left I can see someone with dark hair asleep on my shoulder, and they are snoring. Beyond their head I can see an infamous hat laying on the ground. It's Fire Fist Ace, and he's waking up.

"Hey Ace, it's been a while. Um... what happened?"

"I had to save your ass again (y/n)." The half awake Ace mocked, while wrapping his arms around my torso, hugging me tight. "You got in a fight and got your arm cut. You promised me you would stay out trouble (y/n). This is becoming a reoccurring thing. Do you miss me so much that you purposely get into trouble so that I will come help you? Maybe you should just join me if you want to be with me that bad." He joked but was obvious kinda serious.

"Shut up. I'm not doing this on purpose. Trouble just seems to follow me." I said embarrassed. He's right though. This is the third time he has had to save me, and each time it gets more embarrassing.

"We keep running into each other (y/n). Maybe it's a sign. I'm serious. You should come with me. I'm sure  Whitebeard would let you join his crew."

"I don't know Ace. I would love to spend as much time with you as possible, but I don't think i'm strong enough to join Whitebeard."

"I can train you. Please (y/n), come with me." Ace was still resting his head on my shoulder, trying to look at me, but I refused and kept looking away. I know that if I look at him I will lose my ability to think rationally. "I have an idea. Let me persuade you to come with me."

"Ok. give it your best shot." What is he gonna do? Write me a pros and cons list with only pros? Now that I think about it, that is definitely something Ace would do.

He loosened his grip on my torso and proceeded to slip one of his hands up my shirt. Ace slowly went up until he got to my bra and he wrapped his thumb around the middle of it and tugged down.

"I have wanted you since the first time we met (y/n). It was so hard to restrain myself. If you come with me, i'll treat you well."

"Prove it." I could feel him smile into my neck. Ace removed his thumb from my bra and reached into it, grabbing and pulling out my boob. He started to rub my nipple with his thumb.

His other hand started to travel downwards as Ace was sucking on my neck.

Ace stuck his fingers into the top of my pants and slowly stuck his whole hand in, working his way down.

"Your already wet (y/n)."He smirked and my face grew red. Ace stuck two of his fingers in my hole, and started to go in and out slightly. I could feel his dick starting to get hard on my back.

Ace removed his fingers from me and traced up until he got to my clit. He started to run his already wet middle finger around my clit in circles, causing me to twitch with pleasure.

"Ace, apply more pressure." He did as I said, and I almost lost control. My body began to twitch uncontrollably. I bit my lip to stop myself from making a lot of noise.

I could feel myself starting to orgasm, and started to breathe heavier. I tilted my head back, preparing myself.

I have done this myself many times, but Ace doing it to me feels completely different. It feels so much better.

I wrapped my arms around Ace's thighs because I knew I would need to grab onto something.

It happened. I orgasmed. My eyes rolled back, and my body wouldn't stop twitching. My back arched and I couldn't feel Ace on it anymore. He stopped and removed his hand from my pants.

Ace stuck his wet fingers into my mouth, causing me to come back to earth.

"If you come with me, it could be like this all the time. We could even go further, if you wanted to. But this is all you get unless you join me." I scooted away from Ace and faced him.

"You don't want me to at least help you out?" I asked looking down at his hard on.

"I can take care of that myself. I'll be right back. You stay here and think." He blushed as he got up and walked off out of view using his hands to cover up his crotch. He came back a few minutes later and his boner was gone.

I stood up holding our backpacks that held everything we owned that I put away when he was gone, as I handed him his hat he left on the ground.

"So, are you coming with me?" I handed him his back pack, and then put mine on.

"Where are we off to Ace?" He smiled and swung his backpack over his shoulder. Ace held out his hand and I grabbed it, as we started to walk off out of the forest.

"Well (y/n), let me tell you all about our next destination."

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