New Bar (Rayleigh x reader x Shakky)

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I have lived on Saobody my entire life, but i've never seen this bar before. I've never even heard of it. I mean, with a name like 'Shakky's Rip Off Bar' what else would you expect. I should check it out anyways. What's the worst that could happen?

As I walk up the large flight of stairs I hear a loud noise from the building they led to. It sounded as if there was fighting going on inside. I quickly ran the rest of the way and made my way inside, seeing if there was anything I could do to help.

When I opened the door I saw a women standing over a beaten down man.

"Hey girlie, what can I get you?" She said. She was tall and had an hourglass figure. Short hair that framed her face beautifully, and she smoked.

"Um... just some sake." I say walking past the passed out guy to the bar. Right after I sat down she handed me my drink. Other than us and the man on the floor, the bar was completely empty.

"Here you go? So are you visiting Saobody?" She asked me.

"Nope. I have lived here my entire life."

"Oh really? And I thought I had seen everyone on this island. Shame I missed someone so cute. My names Shakky by the way."

"I'm (y/n)."

We ended up talking for quite a while. I came in at about 5:00 and it was now 9:30.

"Are you free tonight?" Shakky asked me suddenly.

"From what I know of, I am. Why?"

"I know my husband would love to meet you. Plus I would like to get to know you, even better." She said. Does she mean what I think she does? "I'll close up the bar early. What do you say?"

"Ok. I got nothing better to do." I say. She smirks and walks around the bar to the door. She locks it and walks back to me grabbing my hand. I stand up and she leads me to the back.

"My husband is sleeping, but I know that he would be glad to be woken up with you as a surprise." We kept walking and eventually came to a door. "Wait right here." She said before disappearing into the room.

After a couple minutes the door opened to show a tall man with long, white hair.

"You must be (y/n). Im Rayleigh, Shakkys husband. Come on in." He said moving out of the doorway. I walked into their room and heard the door shut behind me.

Shakky was sitting on the side of the bed and patted it right next to her. I walked over and sat down to the left of her. Rayleigh walked up to us, and held out his hand on the side of my face.

"You were right Shakky. This was a good surprise. If you want out (y/n), this is your last chance." Do I wanna do this? I have nothing else going on. Plus i'm interested to see where this will go.

"I'm staying." I say. Rayleigh smirks and Shakky puts her arm around me.

"I think Rayleigh needs a little help." She said pointing at the bulge in his pants. I reach my hands out and slip my fingers into the hem of his pants. At the same time Shakky gets off the bed and gets on the floor between her husbands legs.

She puts her fingers into my pants and pulls them off, with my help as I pull down Rayleigh pants making his dick fling out.

suddenly I felt something wet on my womanhood. When I look down I see Shakky eating me out. Rayleigh puts his hand on my head and I put him in my mouth.

Shakky ran her tongues in circles around my clit and I went up and down along Rayleighs shaft. When I look down at Shakky she is looking up at me. When I look up at Rayleigh, he is facing the ceiling, as his hand guided my head.

My head went faster along Rayleigh and Shakky was using more force with her tongue, causing me to get close to finishing. We kept going and soon both Rayleigh and I finished.

Rayleigh pushed my head down so that his full length was in my mouth, and he came in my throat. At the same time, I orgasmed. My hands reached out for something to grab onto and found Rayleighs thighs. My thighs tried to shut against Shakkys head, but she held them open.

Shakky removed her head from between my legs and I removed Rayleigh from my mouth. He toke a step back and Shakky stood up. She reached her hand out to me and I grabbed it. I stood up and walked over to her and she placed her lips on mine.

Rayleigh came up behind me and sandwiched me between them. I removed my lips from Shakkys and turned my head around to kiss Rayleigh.

Their hands ran along my entire body, groping me. I didn't even know who was touching me where. Soon we all started to remove our clothes, kissing each other in between.

Rayleigh backed away from us and sat on the edge of the bed. He held up his hand with one finger telling me to come over. I walked over to him and he laid back on the bed.

His hands were on my sides and guided me on top of him, his tip touching my stomach. Shakky walked around the bed and crawled up behind Rayleigh sitting above his head.

We both got into position. Shakky was now sitting on Rayleighs face. I moved up and slowly lowered my self onto Rayleigh. Shakky brought her hands to my face and made me look at her, than slammed her lips onto mine.

Rayleigh started to go in and out of me as he ate out his wife, and her hands roamed my body.

I had one hand on Rayleighs chest and bounced my hips up and down slightly. My other hand reached down to my clit and started to go in circles around it.

Shakkys hands made their way up to my breasts and she started to squeeze my nipples.

The sounds of skin clapping, Rayleigh's tongue against his wife, and her and my moans quickly filled the room.

I removed my lips from Shakkys and lowered my head to suck on her nipple, moaning into it.

The feeling of having a threesome made me so turned on. Especially with a married couple. They were obviously quite a bit older than me, but that somehow made it even better.

Just than Shakky lost it. She was orgasming. She was shaking and her grip on me tightened. I was getting close as well as my movement became sloppy.

Rayleigh sped up into me, going deeper than before, and my finger had more force on my self. My orgasm was quickly approaching.

Then Rayleigh came. I felt a sudden warmth inside of me, and could feel it dripping out of me. I hadn't finished yet, but he kept going for me.

Shakkys lips met mine yet again and then it happened. I orgasmed. Moans slipped my mouth into Shakkys and my grip on Rayleigh tightened.

We both kept going allowing me to ride out my orgasmed but after a few seconds I stopped to catch my breath.

Rayleigh stopped and I got off of him.

"I need a drink. I'm think I'm getting too old for this." Rayleigh said getting up and walking out of the room, completely naked. Oh no. I didn't hurt him did I?

"Well (y/n), did you have fun?" Shakky asked?

"Yea. I had a lot of fun. Is he gonna be ok?"

"He says that all the time. He doesn't mean it." We both laugh. She got up off the bed and started to collect out clothes. "This will pay off the tab you racked up. If you ever wanna have some fun again, you know where to find us."

She handed me my clothes and I got dressed. Before I left the room and turned to look at her.

"I think I just found my new favorite bar."

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