Parting Gift (Bartolomeo x reader)

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We just left for Zou on Bartolomeo's ship with his crew, leaving behind Luffy's brand new fleet army. Everyone is passed out drunk and full of food except for me. I am sitting at the front of the ship, looking up at the sky.

After about 15 minutes of watching the sky, I can hear some rustling behind me. I look back to see Bartolomeo standing up.

"Oh hey Bartolomeo, your up. Really cool ship you have."

"Thank you (y/n)-senpai. It means so much coming from a straw hat." He sounded so happy. "Would you like a tour?"

"I would love a tour." And so he showed me around his ship, acting like a child showing off his favorite lego build. It's cute to see him so passionate about something.

We only met him a few days ago, but we have really gotten to know each other. He such a cool person to be around. It's funny how he fangirls over us straw hats. I kinda wish he could join our crew.

Finally we come to the last room on the ship, the bathroom. It was small and 1 of 2 bathrooms. It had everything including a shower/bathtub. There was also a small window in the shower so that you could look out into the sea as you bathed.

"Y'know Bartolomeo, your really cool. It sucks that we will have to split ways soon."

"(y/n)-senpai is sad she won't get to spend much more time with me?" He asked himself in the mirror.

"Well yea. Your fun to be around, and you really helped us back in Dressrosa." He blushed and got a huge smile on his face. "It's always hard to separate from your friends." I don't think I should have said that. He looks like he will pass out from happiness overload. Whoops.

"I have an idea. To make separating ways a little easier for you (y/n)-senpai."

"ok. Let's hear it then"

"I'll give you something to remember me." He said as he walked towards the door and locked it. He turned back to face me and he had a huge and cute smile on his face.

"That would be great. I'll take it. Whatever it is." I already knew what he was talking about.

He took off his jacket and walked towards me. When he got to me, he took my shirt off all excitedly, then he did the same for my bra.

"What if someone hears us Bartolomeo?"

"Don't worry (y/n)-senpai. I have an idea." He walked past me and turned the shower on.

"Perfect Bartolomeo." He blushed and we continued to get undressed. When we were all done he got in the shower. He held out his hand. I put my hand on his and he helped into the shower.

He pulled me close to him and lifted me up. I wrapped my legs around his torso and lightly pushed myself upwards so that he could put himself inside of me.

He started to quickly thrust me while putting my back against the wall. He bent down slightly, burying his face in between my boobs.

I put one of my hands on his head, running it through his green spiky hair, and I put my other hand on the wall next to us. Bartolomeo also moved around his arms, putting one under me, grabbing my ass, and to support me. He put his other hand on my side next to my boob.

Just then there was a knock on the door.

"Hello? (y/n)? We're almost at Zou." Shit it's Zoro.

"Ok. I'll be done soon. Thank you." I loudly said as Bartolomeo kept going. Just then I could feel myself starting to finish.  I moved my hand from his head to cover my mouth as I tilted my head back.

I could hear him grunting, but it was quiet and muffled. At the same time, I was holding back moans.

Bartolomeo came. I quickly followed. He lifted his head from between my boobs, and I swear he looked so happy. Like a kid in a candy store.


We finally arrived at Zou, and everyone was saying goodbye to each other.

"Bartolomeo. Thank you. I think your parting gift will really help. I hope I get to see you again soon. Next time ill give you something." I really should watch what I say around him. I think I just killed him.

"I look forward to it (y/n)-senpai." I wave goodbye to him and turn around to see Zoro with a smug look on his face.

"Oh. He gave you a parting gift? What was it?"

"None of your business Zoro."

"You know, both of your guys hair is wet, but only one of the bathrooms was occupied." Zoro said. I know he knows. I can tell. But I will deny it no matter what.

"I don't know Zoro. maybe he fell into the ocean"

"(y/n) be honest. What was he doing in the shower with you?"

"Shut up" I said and turned around. As I was walking away I could hear Zoro chuckle.

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