Chapter 28: decission

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Chapter 28 is here~ I don't own cardfight vanguard!

"So Aichi, when do you want to go?"

The brunette asked as he continued to cook the grilled cheese for a few more moments before placing all the cooked pieces onto the table, the smaller boy pursed his lip slightly as he thought for a bit.

"Maybe tomorrow?"

He suggested, as everyone began to sit down at the table to eat.

"..... That's rather soon...."

The brunette sighed, he hadn't expected that the younger boy would choose to go so soon.

"Yeah, but I'm so excited to be able to travel"

Aichi replied happily as he took a sip from his glass of water. The brunette smirked at the younger's enthusiasm.

"But we travel a lot for tournaments"

"It's not the same thing!"

"Then I guess you better start packing after your meal then Aichi"

The cyan haired mother laughed, amused by how full of life her son seemed to be, she wondered if she should send the two on trips regularly if the current one planned turned out well.

"Yeah! I've got to make sure to pack everything I need"

Aichi replied as he finished eating his meal, he then placed his dishes into the sink before quickly running up to his room.

"Don't forget clean underwear!"

Shizuka called with a smile before being answered with silence, the brunette guessed that Aichi was annoyed with his mother for embarrassing him, once again.

"You're really good with Aichi"

The brunette said as he placed his own dishes into the sink and began washing all of the dishes in the sink.

Cyan orbs looked at the brunette in confusion, Shizuka didn't quite understand what the teen meant.

"What do you mean?"

"You're able to tease and make fun of Aichi without actually hurting his feelings, even by the slightest"

The cyan haired mother nodded at the brunette's observation.

"Yeah, that's because I know Aichi so well"


"Don't worry, I know you'll be able to get to know my son perfectly with time, even I'm often wrong about him"

The brunette blushed in embarrassment when the cyan haired mother patted his head gently. A warm feeling wrapping around him, it felt nice to experience what motherly love felt like after all the years that had passed.


The brunette murmured as he moved away from Shizuka.

"It's fine, you've become like a second son to me by now, anyway you should go check on Aichi"


Kai nodded silently before drying his hands and heading up the stairs, he felt thankful for the cyan haired mother's words, for they somehow made him feel a lot better than he already felt.

"Aichi, how's your packing going?"

The brunette asked as he opened the door that lead to the blue haired boy's room, not bothering to knock because he knew that the younger wasn't changing or sleeping.

"Good, I've got clothes, food and my deck all ready"

Aichi chirped happily, the brunette smirked as he noticed that sapphires behind lopsided lapis frames were brimming with life and excitement, causing the younger boy to look even more adorably perfect then he usually did.

"You better remember clean underwear"

The brunette said, copying what the cyan haired mother had earlier said to the younger. A light tint of scarlet made its way upon the smaller boy's face, whom was puffing out his cheeks in an adorable pouting motion at the older's comment. sapphires glimmering in a unamused fashion.

"........ Sometimes I think that you and Miwa aren't too different"

The blue haired boy huffed, causing the brunette to be shocked while he imagined himself as an uppity upbeat person like his blond friend.

"There's no way I'm like Miwa!"

Aichi couldn't help but laugh lightly at seeing the older teen flustered about something.

"You're very similar, however you're more composed, cool, and the one I love"

The younger boy whispered softly, an obvious blush existent upon his face.

"....... Whatever"

"Anyway, you finished packing your stuff somehow?"

The older of the two nodded at the younger's words, he guessed that Miwa would pack his stuff for him if he stayed with Aichi.

"Yeah, Miwa said that he'd do all of the troublesome things for us so that we both just have to show up"

"Wonder why he's going through all of the trouble"

Kai shrugged, guessing that it was just another one of the blond's random whims.

"Who knows, probably because he's bored"

"Maybe..... Anyway I have no idea how long were able to stay......"

"........ I'll need to ask Miwa"

Both teens sighed, not believing that they accidentally forgot to ask the blond exactly how long they'll both be staying in the resort.

"Thanks, I packed enough for a few days, just in case"

"Pack a weeks worth of clothes just in case, it can't hurt to pack extra clothes"

Sapphires narrowed slightly at the older's words.

"I don't think my bag can fit that much clothes....."

"Just make them fit"

"'s not that simple....."

Aichi sighed as he went towards his dresser to grab a few more outfits to place within his bag, nice ones of course because he was going on a trip with Kai.

"See it fits......"

The brunette replied after the two had spent a good while forcing the clothes into the bag, without breaking the bag's zipper.

"...... It looks like it'll burst if I poke it....."

Curious sapphires gleamed behind lapis frames as the smaller boy leaned forward to poke the bulging bag.

"You'd better not....."

The brunette said as he stopped the younger boy, not wanting to have to put the clothes back into the bag if it did actually burst.

"..... I'm going to go get my spare bag"

The blue haired boy sighed as he got up from the floor and walked towards his closet.

"....... Why didn't you get it in the first place?...."

Kai sighed, face palming himself while the smaller's back was turned. Innocent sapphires gazed back from the closet.

"Because you seemed intent on stuffing my bag"

Aichi replied as he pulled a blue and white bag out of his closet.


Me: that's the end of le chappy~

Miwa: hehe poor Kai

Me: yeah~

Miwa: don't ya have more to say?

Me: nope not much

Miwa: ah....

Me: anyway hope ya people enjoyed le chappy~

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