Chapter 13: Struggle

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Chapter 13 is here~ I don't own cardfight vanguard!

Y'know..... Those flower covered vanguard stories in the search list are amazing.... IDK y people don't read dem.... Iz it 'cause of le covers no has characters?

The red head jumped at the younger boy, however Aichi sidestepped put of the way for the chains that held him were long. An annoyed growl was heard from the older as he got up and rubbed his head before laying a steady glare upon the younger.

"You brat!"

Litch called as he went to land his fist upon the blue haired boy's face, however Aichi once again hopped out of the way, using the very chains that held him to trip the black haired male.

"I'm not a brat, I'm doing what any sane person would do"

Sapphires glimmered fiercely as the boy gazed at the two older males.

"And here I thought you had become obedient!"

The red head hissed as he grabbed the chains and yanked on them, sending the smaller boy to the ground with a yelp.

Swiftly, before the younger could recover, Litch grabbed hold of the smaller boy's arm and dug his unkept nails into it.

"I guess you had gained too much of your strength back"

The black haired male smirked as he transferred his grip from the boy's arm to his neck. Satisfaction filling him as he watched the younger boy's hands struggle to loosen his grip. Pain filled sapphires closed as the younger boy felt the older begin lifting him from his neck.

"Aww look at little blue now? What happened to that confidence?"

Rico mocked as he watched the smaller boy's struggling begin to weaken.

"It's your fault, you forgot about who was in charge"

Litch added before tossing the blue haired boy full force into the wall, chains clattering as the small form collapsed upon the ground.


"Seems little blue needs some time to rethink his place"

The red haired sighed as he lifted the unconscious boy's limp arm to see if he was still awake or not.

"Yeah, things are starting to get interesting"

The black haired male chuckled as the two exited the room to leave Aichi alone. Sapphires quickly blinked open when the sound of footsteps faded away.

"I agree....."

Aichi whispered to himself with a small smile as he took a key out of his pocket, having managed to swipe it when Litch had tried to choke him.

He tried to stand up but he quickly crumbled to the floor as pain shot up throughout his whole body. The young boy wondered if he should undo his restraints and escape, however he was concerned that if he failed he would be locked up once again with even less of a chance to escape.

A sigh escaped from the blue haired boy as he rubbed his sore neck which he was sure that it was now bruised, realizing that he'd have to wait until he could actually stand without help.

Slipping the key back into his pocket, the small boy decided to lay against the wall and think for he had nothing better to do.

How many days had passed, that's what filled his thoughts, it was hard to tell the time span with nothing to note that time had passed except for oneself. He was wondering if the brunette had listened to him and allowed the police to search in his stead.

Meanwhile, Kai was laying in his bed, jades focused upon the white ceiling above. He couldn't sleep even if he wanted to, not while knowing that the blue haired boy was in danger. The brunette knew that Miwa was right, even so, sleep seemed to elude him.

He found himself thinking up worse case scenarios out of worry and ended up cursing himself for even having such a thought instead of hoping that Aichi would be okay.

As time passed and the night went on, the brunette finally managed to fall asleep out of exhaustion.

The brunette was rudely awakened by the sound of his phone ringing and his door bell being pushed repeatedly so much that it was a wonder that it didn't break.

Sighing, the brunette stretched before sleepily getting out of bed to answer his door, morning had arrived already.

"Kai you won't believe this!"

The door opened to reveal a rather panicked Miwa, who looked as if he had been crying earlier.

"What happened?"

The brunette asked, slightly anxious about what had caused his blond friend such distress.

"We found Aichi!"

The blond's words took the brunette a bit aback.

"What do you mean? Isn't that a good thing?"

Gray polled glimmered as tears began to fall from them as the blond shook his head sadly and looked away.

"Yes but when we found him....... Aichi wasn't alive...... Whoever took him decided to kill him after they had their fun!"

The brunette froze in shock, not able to believe what he had just heard, Aichi had been found, dead. The kind, innocent and selfless blue haired boy whom he loved had been murdered.

"...... Please tell me this is some cruel joke?"

"I'm sorry Kai but its true..... Aichi died because you were slow"

The brunette woke with a start, breathing heavily in shock as he shot up from his bed, moonlight still filtered through the blinds of his window. It had just been a nightmare.


Kai whispered softly as he held a sweaty palm to his own forehead and shook his head slowly as he recovered from his dream.

The brunette slowly got up from his bed to go take a shower so that he could wash off his sweat and clear his own mind of the dream. He didn't want such a horrid experience to become reality, he knew that he needed to find the blue haired boy soon.

He would do anything to make sure that the younger boy would soon be within his grasp, flashing his beautiful and adorable smile while sapphires glimmered brightly.

"Aichi just you wait, I'm going to find you and bring you home as quick as I can......"

The brunette whispered softly to himself and looked out the window as if he could somehow spot the boy.

Me: that was le end of le chappy~

Kai: I'll find Aichi

Me: you better! Or the readers will be mad

Kai: Aichi doesn't deserve pain

Me: hehe a if I care~

Kai: ......

Me: anyway hope ya enjoyed le chappy~

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