With You Gone

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Ironwood was currently sitting at a desk overlooking several reports of Grimm attacks that were more than his soldiers could handle. He groaned in annoyance before a knock was heard at his door.


Man:"Sir, Ms. Ragyo Kiryuin is here to see you."

Ironwood:"Oh? Let her in."

The man nodded and waved someone in and it happened to be the woman that tried to use (Y/n) for her own purposes.

Ironwood:"Ms. Kiryuin, it's a pleasure."

Ragyo:"Please, just call me Ragyo."

She sat in a chair across from him and he clasped his hands together.

Ironwood:"What can I do for you today?"

Ragyo:"Well, you heard about the drama surrounding (Y/n), correct?"

Ironwood:"I have. To think Ozpin actually kept a killer like him in the school."

Ragyo:"He was no better than Xerxes."

Ironwood:"That's for certain. And I was completely shocked to hear that he vaporized him."

Ragyo:"Such devastating power. He's gone into hiding as of now."

Ironwood:"Makes sense. Someone like him would just things worse if he tried to justify his actions."

Ragyo:"Another thing he did was destroy one of my textile factories."

Ironwood:"He what?"

Ragyo:"I invited him over to discuss how he was getting along with my daughter, but he seemed to despise the both of us and took out his frustration on the factory. Luckily I had my assistant with me to help me escape his wrath."

Ironwood:"That damn kid! Ozpin probably covered for him didn't he?"

Ragyo:"Most certainly. I have still yet to tell the press about it. I'm just afraid of what's to come if I speak out against his injustice."

Ironwood:"You'll be safe. I promise."

Ragyo:"Thank you, General. If you promise to keep me safe then I'll repay you."

Ironwood:"That won't be necessary."

Ragyo:"Oh but it is. I was actually able to create even stronger uniforms than any 3 stars I gave to my daughter's student council. And I have made one which is on par with a kamui. It might even be stronger depending on who wears it."

She smirked at him and he got the idea and nodded in understanding. He extended one hand and she took it as they shook on a deal.


The ki club was gathered in their room as Ruby stood in front of everyone.

Ruby:"Okay guys! The first thing to discuss is (Y/n)'s innocence!"

They all nodded in agreement.

Ruby:"He has been nothing but kind to us and only standing up to the big jerks like Sasuke and Bakugo. He never does anything past that."

Issei:"Yeah. That dude only really messes the villains up because they deserve it."

Shouko:"He holds back against his opponents and saves everyone around him."

Rias:"He only killed when necessary. There was that Nomu creature, Noir but he said that he would be reborn, and finally Xerxes."

Weiss:"Yeah. That Xerxes boy was one of the few people that we needed to be rid of. His powers were scary and he still proclaimed himself as a hero."

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