Start from the beginning

"Oh, I didn't expect you moved on from me that quickly...Mr Jeon"


"This isn't about Hyewon. I just wanted to hear your voice again."

"It's not what you think. That's my student. I thought one of her parents called"

"You're a teacher?"

"History teacher"

"That oddly makes you more attractive to me."

"I didn't think you'd call"

"I did. Let me take you on a date before I go back to Taiwan."

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"So, what did you want me to do?" Jun crossed his arms as he sat back on Joshua's bed. "I don't know exactly, but whatever we're doing something" Joshua was looking at something on his laptop as he talked to Jun.

"Wonwoo went on the date. He went! I tried to stop him. Not really, but don't you think he understood that I didn't want him to go?" Joshua just made a noise to show he was listening when he wasn't.

"What does he want me to do? Tell him I want him back. Is that what I should do!? No. It's too pathetic. He left me! Why should I go back?" Jun picked up Joshua's phone to see the online poll for the favourite couple in 'fall'.

"You've got to be kidding me" Jun showed the phone to Joshua, getting the same shocked expression from him. "People want Mingyu to be with Minghao?" Joshua paused to think before analysing whatever he's seen of the two.

"Oh my fucking god, Minghao likes Mingyu" Jun was still not following as Joshua showed him a compilation from the first few episodes where Minghao clearly was staring dreamily at Mingyu or getting nervous over something he did.

"Why is he just staring at Mingyu holding his hand? Because he wants to be with him" Joshua finished explaining like a mastermind. "If we get them together and if we're able to get Wonwoo and Jeonghan jealous- Jun, I know what to do!" Joshua said as he slammed his laptop shut.

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"I miss you so much."

"I'm coming to see you in a week, baby. I could argue I miss you more."

"You can't be busy when you come here, okay Jun? Promise it'll just be you and me, no work stuff! I'm taking the days off too, please Junie."

"Baby trust me, you'll have all my attention. We can go wherever you want. You said something about that cat cafe."

"We can go there? Thank you, don't mess this up like last time. I'm being serious."

"I just want to kiss you again, Wonwoo. I won't ruin it. Trust me. I love you."

"I love you too."

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"Are you two excited?" Seungkwan asked as Wonwoo finally showed up to the date, cursing at Jun for making him late. "Hey, I thought you stood me up" Mingyu whispered when Wonwoo stood next to him.

"I'm sorry! I know I'm late" Seungkwan broke up the whispering as he explained where the date was going to be. "You want me to trek?" Wonwoo was firmly against the date idea, but Mingyu's enthusiasm was rubbing off on him.

"Come on, Hyung. We'll have fun" Wonwoo quirked his eyebrow at Mingyu, knowing that he wouldn't have fun. "Leave it all to me" Mingyu said musically. "I regret it. I regret it already" Wonwoo groaned as Mingyu went to collect the trek gear.

"I don't want to participate. Let me free" Seungkwan just watched the agony grow in Wonwoo's expression when he showed him how many kilometres he would be trekking.

"That's way too much. I never wanted this" Wonwoo turned around to leave, but Seungkwan twirled him around to see Mingyu with a bright expectant smile on his face.

"Can you say no to that boy?" Seungkwan taunted, and Wonwoo internally cursed the host because he took what Mingyu gave him before getting ready to torture himself.

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