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*ᴄᴀᴍᴇʀᴀꜱ ꜱᴛᴀʀᴛ ʀᴏʟʟɪɴɢ*

"Oh my god" Joshua moaned as Jun kissed his neck. They were going to stop at a goodnight kiss but then Joshua pulled Jun inside, and now they were making out on the bed. "Come here" Jun pulled Joshua's face towards him, having a solid grip on the back of Joshua's neck.

Jun tried to act like he wasn't feeling any of the heat from Joshua grinding on him. Before taking his clothes off, he had to make sure there were no cameras around. "Wait..." Jun said, separating from Joshua only for the older to reconnect their lips, not giving Jun a chance to say anything.

"Wait, cameras" Jun gripped Joshua's waist to ground him. "There's none in the room" Joshua knew about the cameras. He knew a lot about the show. As a sponsor, he was allowed to know many of the guidelines and functionalities.

"Fuck Jun" Joshua kissed the younger's jawline as restless hands went to unbutton his shirt. "I'll fuck. You don't have to tell me twice" Jun switched their position so that Joshua was beneath him, trying to pull Jun's t-shirt off him.

"Why did I expect this? Hello" Seokmin opened the door to his and Joshua's shared room, going straight to his bed as if he couldn't be bothered. "Maybe some other day" Jun pulled Joshua in for a quick kiss before picking up his shirt and walking out the door, waving at Seokmin as he did so.

"Sorry I cockblocked" Seokmin looked apologetically at Joshua, who picked up a pair of nightwear from his suitcase to change out the rest of his clothes. "That's okay. I don't fuck on the first date anyway" Joshua was lying. He would've in a heartbeat, but now it isn't happening anyway, and he wasn't going to let Seokmin know that.

"I'm going to change. You'll be fine going after me?" Seokmin wasn't in any rush as he lay in bed tracing his lips. He liked Minghao, he was almost sure Minghao felt the same way after what happened earlier, but he couldn't be certain. He would have to wait till tomorrow to see what would come out of the kiss. Seokmin just wanted his relationship to be as uncomplicated as it could be.

Jun however didn't have to wait till the next day to make things more complicated for him. All he wanted to do was his walk of shame which was disappointing in itself because he didn't even get sex. He got a walk of shame without the fun part. If things weren't awkward enough for him, he could see Wonwoo sitting by the pool outside, with both his feet in the water.

"Will you kill me if I push you in?" Jun sat down next to Wonwoo, mimicking his actions. Wonwoo didn't say anything but splashed the water with his feet. "Hey, are you okay?" Jun's voice was filled with concern as he put a hand on Wonwoo's shoulder. Wonwoo was about to say something, but when he faced Jun, the words that were initially on the tip of his tongue disappeared.

"I'm okay" Wonwoo looked back to the still water, the only movement being what's from his feet being dipped in it. The moonlight was shining on the pool, making it oddly romantic. "Moon Junhui" Wonwoo whispered the irony of Jun's Korean name at that moment, making sure even Jun didn't hear it. "Did you say something?" Jun put his hand in the water before splashing the water on Wonwoo.

"Why aren't you attacking me?" Wonwoo kept his eyes on the moon. "The moon looks pretty. That's what I said" Jun agreed, splashing Wonwoo once more. "Yah! You piece of-" Wonwoo finally splashed Jun back harder than Jun initially did.

"That's the spirit" Jun kept up with his splashing, Wonwoo starting to laugh while returning the favour. Once there was a stop to the splashing, Jun went to get up but slipped on the water that was all over the tiles now and fell on top of Wonwoo. "Ow!" Wonwoo was still a laughing mess, forgetting his worries from earlier.

"Did I break any bones? Any ribs?" Jun used it as an excuse to run his hands over Wonwoo, tickling him. "Jun! Sto- Junie! Stop it!!" Jun loved tickling Wonwoo. It always made him smile, so Jun did it every time there was a frown on the man's face.

Wonwoo finally grabbed hold of both Jun's hands, lacing their fingers together to stop the tickling. "Stop it" Wonwoo said, the remnants of his laughter still loud in the air. "You're under me again" Jun smirked, finding it utterly funny, unlike Wonwoo.

"Yeah, bitch I can see your hickeys, get off" Jun still had the smirk on his face as he lay down next to Wonwoo. "I don't see any hickeys on you. Is Mingyu the boring kind?" Wonwoo stayed quiet before leaning over and trying to splash water on Jun, forgetting he was in between, getting it on himself instead.

"That was for me? So this is why you teach history and not physics. Gravity babe" Jun sat up before asking again. "Really, he didn't even steal a kiss?" Wonwoo looked at Jun under his hooded eyes. "No Jun, he needs to have a chance to talk to me for that" Wonwoo was done with this conversation. He just wanted to sleep.

"I'm going to my room" Jun offered to walk Wonwoo since it was late, but he thanked Jun and assured him that he's fine enough to go to the room on his own. Maybe Wonwoo was a bit drunk, but he was always good at acting sober in front of others.

"I loved that jerk. He's telling me to get dick?" Wonwoo was well aware he was talking to thin air, but he was still going to. "Is Mingyu the boring kind?" Wonwoo mocked the words from Jun before kicking the wall and holding his foot in pain. 

"No, you asshole, he's decent" Wonwoo somehow managed to hop to his room before locating the key pass somewhere on his body. "Jeonghan Hyung?" Wonwoo whispered in case his roommate was sleeping, but Jeonghan was anything but asleep.

Jeonghan wiped his eyes as he sat up in the bed, watching Wonwoo stagger to his own. "You okay?" Jeonghan walked over to Wonwoo, who had his face pushed into the pillow. "What's wrong, Wonwoo?" When he got no response, Jeonghan put a blanket over the younger and went back to his bed.

"It has to get better" Jeonghan looked at Soonyoung's ring on his finger. "A pity ring" Jeonghan was more than thankful for Soonyoung stepping up for him like that, but he wished, so much, that it was Mingyu. Maybe there's someone else, that has to be why it didn't work out...it had to be.

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