I clean my room weekly on Sunday nights because that is only when I have the time to arrange things for the week. Suhail called while I was changing the sheets of my bed. I set the phone on the mirror while I switched the call to FaceTime connecting to my AirPods in the process and I continued with my cleaning whilst talking. He was making fun of how lazy I am for cleaning only once a week and I tell him it's not laziness but a lack of time. Along going back and forth on whether it is laziness or a lack of time our conversation got down to a different topic, a topic I have been discreetly avoiding.

"I refuse to answer that name from you" He stated after I whined his name in frustration when he wouldn't stop calling me lazy. And yes I have given it a thought since I changed his name on my phone but I haven't called him with it yet. I decided to call him with the thing that I thought about him when I first saw him, he was my prince charming in shiny armor. I changed his name to charming, my charming.

"I am waiting," He told me bringing me out of my thoughts and I smirked in response. "What is mine?" I asked him as I sat on the mirror stool giving him my full attention.

He pretended to think for a second. "Rayuwa am" He held my gaze.

This is not fair. I know rayuwa means life in both Fulani and Hausa but I don't know am, I regret not learning the language. "You know I don't understand Fulani" He laughed. "That is for you to worry"

The conversation once again drifted from knowing what his new name was to my newfound conscience of learning the language. "Madam smartpant tell me my name" He stated bringing an end to our banter.

I wiggled my hands across my face and bathed my eyelashes at him taking my time before I told him, I was about to speak when a knock on my door interrupted me. He grumbled at the second knock and I giggled while I got up to open the door not telling him the name like he wanted.

It was Fatima, Suhail's coursemate. We have only talked thrice since I started studying here, she doesn't hide her dislike towards me, as if it was my fault that he doesn't like her. We were haplessly in the same dorm but avoided each other like a plague so it was a big surprise to see her at my door. "Can I come in?"

I moved back as she entered and closed the door. "I just heard your birthday was last month"

My eyes rolled on their own at her statement and Suhail laughed at my reaction. She is yet to notice him and I nod my head in response.

"Why are you here?" I asked her as I got my legs on the bed folding them together. Her presence irritates me.

"I came to wish you and get you for your late birthday gift" She answered smiling which was plainly fake and she walked to the door. "It's outside follow me" She added.

"You don't have to I am fine with just your belated wish" I am not being rude or anything but I don't want a gift, especially from her.

"Please" She pleads and I shake my head no because I seriously don't want it and I'm not following her outside this late alone, she might kill me for all I know.

"I swear I will not force it on you if you don't want it," She tells me again as she waits for my response.

I had forgotten about the call going on with Suhail until he speaks "Just go and see it"

She has still not seen him because she did not look at my mirror not even a glance. "Alright, I'm coming" I answered her as I stood up and she left the room. I know she is only getting me a gift to impress him.

I put my hoodie head on to cover my head too lazy to wear a hijab and it's actually very late, a few minutes past twelve. "Remind me why you introduced her to me," I told him after I picked up my phone.

"She is a nice girl once you get to know her" He advised. "Get to know her?" I scoffed. "When all she is trying to do is steal my boyfriend"

"Don't worry I'm all yours" He said.

"I know"

I answered him as I removed my AirPods carefully so as not to end the call and put them back in their case.

"I'm waiting to hear all about it," He said referring to the so-called gift. "Yeah bye" I rolled my eyes again.

"I love you," He tells me before he ends the call.

My heartbeat quickens every time I hear these words, I never thought words would be this powerful. They consume my every thought and echo through my head.

I sluggishly strolled to the hostel gate where I met her and we walked to the parking lot, What kind of a gift is she getting me?

"So?" I asked her after we stopped walking and she sighed.

"I am sorry Hafsat" I gave her a confused look as she continued speaking. "I badly want Suhail and someone wants you"

Someone from behind covered my nose with something I don't know. I tried to get out of the person's hold when darkness suddenly claimed me.


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