Começar do início

The horned hero refocused himself, "Something's happening"

But he focused in and listened to what the FISK TOWER and one thing was clear, they weren't the only ones going after the Kingpin of crime... there was an independent variable they weren't fully aware of yet.

"What? Wait... you can hear that?"

"Pretty much"

"How the-"

"Yeah, Scorpy's gonna for the kill"

"Gotta get em, before he does"

"So we're gonna fall into the trap"


"Welp... race you inside, WAIT-" the wall crawler quipped at him, before realizing how stupid he sounded.

"Need a lift?"

The horned vigilante nodded, which immediately, Spider-Man scooped him up like a bride and swung towards the building.

Like all life plans, they go quickly south.

One aspect that wasn't a part of Wilson Fisk's chaotic contingency plan was Mac Gargan. An unstable former hitman arrived in his dark green exoskeleton and intruded into the Kingpin's base. And he gave all the surrounding guards a beating, with no signs of slowing down.

Then there was Fisk, backed into the corner, like a caged animal. And like a scorpion, his tail ready to strike.

He snarled at him and towered over him, "You don't know what you've done to me, Fisk!"

"I've done nothing to you, Mr. Gargan! You're delusional... unstable!"

"You sure about that? You wanna test your luck?" He aggressively taunted him.

Then Wilson took a moment to process what's happening, and how much leverage he actually had. In short, he had PLENTY!

"YOU KNOW WHAT?! FINE! You're right, Gargan! I played my part in your downfall. But all you needed was a push... even from the start of your career, you started off stalking your neighbors. Your sanity was nonexistent from the start of your adolescence," Fisk aggressively talked down to him.

"SHUT UP! SHUT UP FISK!" Gargan screamed.

"I've said my part. It's time to do yours... cause I'll never stop! You can cut my tongue out and I still won't stop"

"You're right... and you deserve everything that's coming to you, you piece of sh-!" He proclaimed as attempted to thrust his tail into Fisk's heart.

But he felt a slight tug on his tail...


The Spectacular Spider-Man intervened, kicking the Scorpion out of the way. Also, without a single thought, webbing Kingpin to the corner. The Devil of Hell's Kitchen held his guard up against the dangerous mob boss.

"Stay there, Humty Dumpty," the wall crawler pointed at him.

Gargan screamed, "WHAT'RE YOU TWO DOING?!"

"You're losing yourself, Scorpy! Letting Kingpin turn you into something you're not... Taking out Fisk won't fix anything!"

"It'll stop him from hurting anyone else"

"Yes, and once he goes, another one takes his place. That's how crime-bosses work!" the wall crawler explained. "Is that what you want? You want to lose your sanity to him?" he continued.

"I-I put this on myself!... All of this is cuz I signed up to be his guinea-pig hitman. It's my fault for trusting him!... There's people I care about here and taking him outta this world could stop him hurting anyone else! That's my responsibility... to every person this bald BASTARD screwed over!"

SPECTACULAR SPIDER-MAN: REVIVAL SERIES (REMASTERED)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora