Start from the beginning

Till now, when the nurse finally let Liz into Sally's room. She'd seen her parents walk past her, in deep concern written all over their faces. And Lizzy didn't enjoy seeing her friend with all these tubes all around her body.

Instantly she noticed that Sally's eyes slightly opened to her presence, so she calmly patted her friend's hand.

"Sal, you awake?"

"Li-Lizzy? You're here..."

"Why wouldn't I be here, Sal?!" She cheerfully sounded.

"Well-I thought you'd be hanging out with Parker"

"Not now. Not when my bestie since pre-school, is on her... ahem, deathbed," Liz snarky joked at her.

"Liz, I'm not dying"

"I know. Trying to put me at ease for a sec, Sal. Usually, I get freak accidents during practice"

"Oh yeah. I remember when you were on top of the pyramid, then you flipped off and landed on your head"

"Ahaha! Not my greatest moment. But hey, don't forget you had your fair share of accidents," Liz chuckled.

"Jeez! Days when concussions were pretty okay!"

"Can't believe in a million years the only thing that stopped me from finishing cheerleading is a rock to the back," Sally added.

"To be fair, it's senior year! You technically finished," Liz pointed out as her shoulders shrugged.

"Then technically, I'd be finished if Parker didn't swoop in. You know, he works out. Who would've thought?" Sally quickly mentioned.

"Wait, what?"

"Didn't he tell you? Gotta say, for a geek, he's strong... I never got why you dug Parker, and I still don't... but I guess you're into muscular guys. HECK, he carried that piece of crap off me, Rand and Flash! Now, that's some actual strength"

Her confession of his action stunned Liz. Peter used his powers without the mask. He's the reason Sally's still alive. She also wants to understand why he never told them.

"Jeez, Lizzy, Parker seriously doesn't tell you anything, does he?"

"Well, he's told me some stuff"

"Like what?"

"W-well... he's uh-well... it's not my secret to tell," Liz admitted.

"Well played, Lizzy. Parker's a mysterious guy... kinda attractive. Not like I'd ever date him. Just saying," her friend chuckled.

"Yeah. I get it, Sal," Liz responded with a smile on her face.



As the dust settled from their evening operations, Fisk gazed upon his empire, deviously calculating his next move, like a man of his caliber should. He stared out to the city he loved, all those beloved skyscrapers and whatnot. Then his eyes focus on the wretched apartment building he's raised in for a whole second.

"Usually a man, with something to lose, doesn't act... irrationally"

"What're you saying, sir?" his colleague questioned.

"I'm saying that if you take away something of importance from them... they'll squeal till you give it back. And they'll do anything to get it back," Fisk continued.

"That's how you want to handle Brown... by attacking him at the heart?" Wesley asked for clarification.
