Start from the beginning

Suddenly, Harry launched a goblin pumpkin bomb, landing near Peter's feet. His eyes grew in horror.


"Greet my father for me... in hell."




"HARRY NO!" Peter anxiously screamed.

He launched himself out of a twin size mattress and face planted on the rough carpet. He woke up in a spiral, with sweat all over his face, hands, and chest.

'It's only a bad dream, only a bad dream, Pete. Relax, Relax... relax-'

His Aunt May pounded on his door.

"Dear, are you awake? You're going to be late for school... again," Aunt May acknowledged.

"Ye-Yeah, I'm awake, Aunt May," Peter drowsily replied.

He grimaced from the sharp pain from his lower abdomen.

'Ow Ow Ow, seriously need to get some padding. And some body spray... jeez, I smell like barbecue!'

10 minutes before school started, the drowsy Peter sluggishly raced down the stairs. He overslept again. The past 4 out of 5 days, until today, which makes it 5 out of 5 days. He's lucky he only been late once in those days, especially being five weeks into this school year.

"What's gotten into you, Peter... you've woken up late every day this week!"

"Sorry Aunt May, I-"

"Now, don't explain. That'll waste time... just finish your meal," she urged.

Peter agreed and quickly dug into his crispy waffles and blueberry pancakes. Aunt May left Peter's side to finish her breakfast and sat on her lounge chair to tune into the latest morning news. And Peter couldn't stop himself and tuned in to the morning news.

"Breaking News this morning, from Hell's Kitchen neighborhood. The convicted serial killer, Cletus Kasady, who escaped from the Ravencroft Institute late last night, has been caught and arrested early this morning. Although there haven't been official police witnesses to state this, there have been several eyewitnesses that have caught another sighting of the mysterious man in black. Some of the witnesses have dubbed this individual 'The Devil of Hell's Kitchen.' They claim that he's the man who took down Cletus Kasady and several other convicts these past few weeks. Especially during the recent arsons from the local gang members. Which leaves most of this community wondering, could we officially have our sights on a new crime fighter in New York?"

Aunt May instantly turned to Peter, with her eyes wide open.

"Peter, assure me that you won't go into that neighborhood, no matter what the Bugle tells you, don't go... Hell's Kitchen is a grim area, always has been. Now with those mysterious men like that running around-"

"Aunt May, I promise... I won't. I don't want to worry you."

'However, Spider-Man can take a peek at this new guy. Plus, I bet Jonah would want some pics, especially in uncharted territories like these'

"Good, now hurry! Just eat it while you're walking, but be sure to check to watch where you're going"

She softly patted on his back while Peter shoved so much of his breakfast into his mouth.