Make up - Make out

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Bruce's pov:

Griffen and Billy just broke up, Robin and Finney aren't talking. As one of the oldest on the group this is stressing me out. But it's getting better slowly, Billy is distancing himself from Tyler, and Robin and Finney are gonna talk things out at the grab n' go. Hopefully it goes well.

Finney's pov:

I was waiting for Robin, waiting, anxiously. When he walked in I felt a cold sweat form on my forehead as he walked over and sat infront of me. "I uh- talked to buzz." I looked up at him he looked a bit hurt like he was expecting something sad. "Me and him are nothing more than acquaintances we're not friends or-" I got stopped by a pair of lips touching mine. "I forgave you a long time ago, and to be honest it should be you forgiving me." He began. "I was jealous and let it control me instead of listening to you." He looked down than hesitated but looked me in my eyes. "I'm sorry Finn, I shouldn't have walked away, I should've talked with you about it." "Oh no no it's fine I swear, really." He we started at each other for a second than smiled. "I missed hanging out with you, how about we head to our favorite park?" He said. "Can we stay their til night time so we can see the stars??" "Ofc anything you want." We got up and left, hand in hand.

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