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Vance's pov:

"So you mean those fuckers blackmailed you and Finney." "Yeah, but on the bright side me and Finn are getting 'closer'." Robin said with a bright smile until Bruce butted in. "But wouldn't you rather have you guys become 'closer' without Finney being on a related?" Bruce did have a point. "Yeah man I mean c'mon." "Yeah yeah but I'll take what I can get."
Finney's pov:

The school day is finally over Matt and Matty had me doing their school work all day and have been pushing me around. I never thought I would be happy to finally go home. I was waiting for buzz outside when Robin came to me. "hola nena como estuvo tu dia?" "Shitty and what's with the name?" "Oh nothing and how come? We're those jerks abusing the blackmail?" "Yeah I'm also kinda tired." "Okay well get some rest when you get home I'll call you tonight okay?" "Yeah okay" a smile appeared on my face. I love how caring Robin was as a person. He walked away and just as on cue buzz walked over to me pissed. "Hey what the matter-" slap. He just fucking slapped me. "So firstly the teacher made me stay back a minute because I'm failing, secondly I come outside to see you basically flirting with fucking Robin. Next time I'll fucking snap your neck." I just nodded and quietly apologized. Gwen came shortly after and we started walking back to my house. I got a text from Matt to send me the answers for all the homework because I had worked on it during the classes. I sent them to him and buzz snatched my phone
" WHAT THE HELL!" I yelled, he just looked at me and started going through my phone pressing some buttons and what not. He finally gave me my phone back and I saw Robin's number was both blocked and deleted. Thank God I know it by heart. I swear only an insecure asshat would block and delete someone number.

Robin's pov:

It was like 11 something last time I checked the time. Finney should be the only one awake by now. I pressed the facetime icon and clicked Finney's contact. It took a couple of rings than he answered the room was completely black. And I could hear muffled crying like he was trying to stop himself, in the back ground Jobless Monday by Mitski was playing. "Finn... Is everything alright..?" It took a couple of minutes for me to get an answer. "Uhm hey robin.. yeah everything is good just buzz and my dad.." "Oh I'm sorry amor, wanna talk about it?.." I heard a small mumbled yes and he started telling me about what happened when he got home. I felt bad for him no one deserved what he was getting. Buzz and his relationship is also really toxic.. if only I confessed sooner. Things started calming down on call and he was just rambling. By now I could hear lover is a day by Cuco I love when he rambled something about his voice is comforting. I truly love him. "Hey robin?" "Yes?" "I love you.." I smiled,"I love you to."

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