An act of pettiness and disaster

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Buzz's pov:

In the middle of second period which had to have Vance and Robin in it I needed to use the restroom so I rose my hand. "Yes buzz?" "Can I step out quickly??" She nodded her had as I got up I head to walk past Robin and Vance to get out the door while I was in heard something,'Well that's good you to are getting somewhere, you and Finney suit eachother.' that shit made me angry.
When I walked into the restroom all my thoughts went away, Finney was there Washing his hands I walked up to him when he turned over he sorta flinched at seeing me. "Hey Finn." I said sorta aggressively. "Don't fucking call me that we're not friends and we're not dating anymore." He went to grab some paper towels to dry his hands."Yeah but we could be, Finn I did some thinking what I did to you was wrong, so I don't expect you to forgive so, can we please be friends?" He looked like he was debating, I'm relieved that I still have atleast a small part in him think of me,"I'll think about it." He finally said and walked off.

Finney's pov:

It was finally lunch time, it was pizza day everybody and I mean EVERYBODY AND THEIR MAMA was in line so I just didn't get in line it would be too long of a wait so I sat with Robin and the rest of his gang. I sat right next to Robin and me and him started whispering and laughing with eachother. Than buzz came up to us without a word say down so gifts(consisted of his favorite candies.) And left. Strange but okay, I though it was a generous offer until it started happening every week. Robin was starting to get annoyed, he thought buzz was trying to out for him in something. "Why does he keep bringing you stuff?, Are y'all like back together or something.." "WHAT! No of course not Robin I really like you, I think he's just trying to become friends." "Yeah right or he's being a petty bitch because y'all broke up." "Robin." "Hey I'ma just go I need to complete some homework anyways." He said getting up, he did stop and give me a kiss on the cheek though,"Look Finn I really like you.. but if you and buzz still have something going on just leave me out of it." He said than walked off.
Book ends this Saturday or Sunday 💔

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