Breakfast date

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No one's pov:

Finney got out the shower and started getting dressed in the clothes he "borrowed" from robin. Which was black sweatpants, a brown zip up jacket with roses, and a white tank top. He fixed his hair before heading out of the restroom and plopping down next to Robin on the bed.

Finney's pov:

"Sooo where are we going?" "Probably IHOP it's the closest thing." Robin said looking over at me. "Well that doesn't sound bad and we should hurry before I get hangry." I don't know how long it had been, I didn't even realize I had gotten into Robin's car. Buts he suddenly shook me and we were parked in the IHOP parking lot, and man was it packed. "Finn are you okay you've been spaced out for God knows how long." "Yeah I'm all good uh When did we leave and get here..?" "About 20 minutes ago?" Ah so I've been spaced out for that long. We got out the car and headed to the door Robin opened it for me,"After you m'lady." "Oh why thank you kind sir." We laughed and entered being seated by a waitress to a booth. She turned out to be one of the girls in me and Robin's geometry class and chemistry class. She kept giving Robin looks it made me feel all weird. "Yo Finn say cheese!" I quickly looked at Robin's camera hold up a peace sign and smiling. He took the picture and let me read the caption,"First date kinda nervous??" I said with a slight chuckle. "Uh hell yeah this is the best caption yet." "So what this is our first non-offical date??" Robin took a pause. Than a snarky smirk came upon his face,"It can be whatever you want it to." He said God I wanted to kms right than and there. "Okay than."
This chapter way shorter but hey I updated twice today:)

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